Stuff about things

It was a quiet drama-free weekend around here. The helper went home to Manila and coincidentally so did Marissa. At least I had my Buddy here to keep me company.

Not much else to report. All indications are that I’m a healthy old fucker. Blood pressure consistently in the low 120s. Resting heart rate is back in the high 60’s after an unexplained rise. Weight is holding steady in the mid-190’s. Averaging 19,000 steps per day so far this month.

Finances are staying in the black notwithstanding my effort at wealth redistribution in the bars. Inflation is becoming an issue for the already poor folks here, but I’m not noticing it much personally. I’m helped by a strong dollar with near record high exchange rates.

The basic staples like rice and fish have increased even more than the rate of inflation as I understand it…

I’ll be making a run out to the S&R store (think Costco) in San Fernando this week. It’s a long trip I only make once a month so I like to stock up as much as I can. I’ve regretted that I didn’t purchase a larger refrigerator/freezer as that limits my purchasing ability. I took a step to alleviate that problem:

A sweet little stand alone freezer should meet my needs nicely. Just delivered this morning so I haven’t been bothered with putting the handle on yet.

What else? Well, I really don’t do politics much these days. It seems pointless, especially on Facebook. So when I saw this, I had to laugh:

I mean, I actually say this to my computer screen several times a day. I ought to be posting it in the comments of the worst offenders I suppose, but I really can’t be bothered.

The fact that I don’t argue about politics doesn’t mean I don’t keep myself at least minimally informed on what is happening back home. It’s total insanity from what I can tell. This parody on the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings was funny as hell:

You gotta laugh. Or cry.

I’ve never been a big Trump fan. I preferred the clown option to the crook though. But two years in it is hard to argue with his many successes, especially on the economic front. I think there’s a lot more people like me who react to the over-the-top bashing (he’s Hitler don’t you know) with being dragged firmly and fully into his camp of supporters. Yeah I know, that makes me a racist.

Anyway, I’m also not a fan of those who choose to disrespect the flag and all that it stands for by taking a knee during the National Anthem. Yeah, I believe they have the freedom to do so, but they are not free from the consequences of their actions. So, the government cannot and should not arrest them (like they do in the Philippines!) but if I owned an NFL franchise I’d fire any player who refused to stand. I’d say I’m boycotting the games, but honestly I haven’t watched American football in years. And although I own a pair of Nike shoes that I’m not going to burn, I will be replacing them with something from New Balance when the time comes.


I thought this video offers a nice counterpoint to the one Nike paid Kaepernick to make:

Enough about politics! I live in the fucking Philippines and will watch America do it’s death dance from thousands of miles away. Thankfully!

Time for me to Hash!

2 thoughts on “Stuff about things

  1. That looks like a small meat freezer—the kind you open at the top! Will you be stocking up on ribs, steaks, tenderloins, sausage, bacon, and various fish and fowl? I hope so. May you never run out of meat.

  2. Yep, opens at the top. And it will be stocked up with all the goodness you mention. When I return from my shopping excursion, it’s gonna be “nice to meat you!”.

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