Sticking it in all the right places…

If you see anything here other than a lamp all I can say is: I like the way you think!

And as long as your dirty mind is thinking of muffins, how about these sweet things:

Blueberry muffins for breakfast with leftover baby back ribs from dinner last night.

I was sticking it pretty well yesterday during my singles league dart match.

Mark is actually a solid player and the games themselves were much closer than the scoresheet might seem to indicate.

And here is how things stand after Week 8 in the Barretto Singles League:

Yeah, it feels like I’m starting to recapture some of the magic of those glory days in Itaewon…
In fact, I wore my Seoul Singles League shirt during yesterday’s match hoping to play like I used to. Not there yet, but getting closer.

It was kinda funny, John Kim the owner of The Pub restaurant here, saw this photo on my Facebook page and commented: “Sea elephant? Seriously?”. I explained that back in those days my darts nickname was The Walrus. According to the Koreans I consulted, there is no word for Walrus in Korean, they just use bada kokkili . It’s all good.

After darts, I had a couple more beers at Mangos and enjoyed the sunset:

Lots of folks hanging out on the beach. Little by little, we are getting our lives back.

While I was at Mangos I got a message that my office chair was being delivered but no one was at home to receive it. She attached this picture which made me smile:

Lucky defending the house. Looks like he means business!

I was a little pissed because I had asked my helper if she would be home to accept delivery and pay for the chair and she assured me she would be there. She told me later she stuck around until 6:00 and then figured they weren’t coming. Anyway, I told the seller to just leave the chair on my porch and to swing by Mangos to pick up the payment. She agreed and I added a tip for her trouble.

So here’s my new chair. Ain’t she a beaut?

It’s actually a “gaming” chair if that makes a difference. Well, it does have two speakers alongside the headrest if you want sounds effects blasting in your ears. I don’t. Anyway, it is much more comfortable than what I had been using and should provide better back support.

My back is pretty much back to normal now. A little stiff but almost completely pain-free. I guess since I’m technically elderly now I should be especially thankful for that. I’m also very happy that I’m able to get out and hike every day. That fills my hours in a healthy way.

Speaking of hiking, I need to get ready for today’s Hash. This is the last week of the noon start time, we’ll move it to 2:30 after that. There’s an odd combination of trails today, 3, 6, and 9K. If I’m understanding correctly, the 9K is a combination of the 3 and 6K trails. The 3 and 6K require a truck ride, so as of now my intention is to do the 9K. I hate that truck!

I’m not afraid of love. Just like I’m not afraid of poison. I avoid both, because love is poison to me.

As I keep reminding myself. Actually, I’m doing better at embracing my loveless life. Some of the guys who are in relationships have even expressed some envy for my relatively drama-free life.

And that’s the way things are as of now.

2 thoughts on “Sticking it in all the right places…

  1. Lucky’s doing his job.

    Congrats on your new chair! Looks good. So does the food. Congrats as well on whomping the hapless Mark, and it’s good to know your back is doing better.

    “my relatively drama-free life”

    They obviously don’t read your blog.

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