Another Hash Monday and that means an early morning post with even less for me to talk about than normal. Although perhaps my blog is an example of less being more.
After my shopping misadventure, or more precisely, after I wrote about it here, I headed into town for some much needed liquid refreshment. As I sat at my usual observation post I couldn’t help but notice something a bit different:

As usual, I did a shitty job capturing the true view, but all up and down the beach folks were acting like things were, well, normal again. I remember on the drive out of town seeing the parking lot of one of the resorts just jam-packed with cars.

The significance of this I think is that the Filipino people are finally waking up to the fact that they’ve been scammed and are saying “fuck it”. My driver called the checkpoints and other restrictions on movement bullshit and I kiddingly suggested it was time for a revolution. “Yes, it is” he replied in all seriousness. Hmm, Filipinos are normally docile and compliant to authority up until you push them too far. All indications are that time may have arrived. Good for them!
I came home early because I had some cooking to do.

This batch came out pretty damn near perfect if I do say so myself. I think I’m finally getting that searing technique down and managing the time on the grill better. Juicy, tender, and medium-rare. Sweet!
Well, the steak wasn’t sweet, but this sure was:

Oh, there was something else strange that happened yesterday afternoon. I heard from a gal named Joy. What was weird about it is I haven’t seen or heard from her in a year or so. And even back then she was just an acquaintance I met at the Hash. I wasn’t interested in her at all, I was kinda after one of her friends. Anyway, we are Facebook friends still.

Here’s a copy and paste of the Messenger conversation:
sent Yesterday at 2:56 PM
I want to meet you john if good for you?
You sent Yesterday at 2:58 PM
What do you have in mind?
sent Yesterday at 3:00 PM
I want to seeing each other like wtf john my friend if good for you? You say naman na you there in baretto
You sent Yesterday at 3:00 PM
It’s been a long time…well, I live in Barretto so I’m usually here. I stay pretty busy.
sent Yesterday at 3:01 PM
Ohh you are busy.?
You sent Yesterday at 3:01 PM
you mean like right now? Today? Yes, I have plans this afternoon.
sent Yesterday at 3:04 PM
Ohh not this afternoon, tommorrow morning okay? If good for you John? Ohhh plss answer me
You sent Yesterday at 3:05 PM
Joy, I have the hash tomorrow. Starts at 12.
sent Yesterday at 3:06 PM
Hmmmm 9:30am john plss i want to see you What time you are free?
You sent Yesterday at 3:07 PM
I’m not sure what the emergency is…I don’t hear from you for one year and now you HAVE to see me tomorrow…? doesn’t make sense.
sent Yesterday at 3:08 PM
Nooo john i want to see you almost 1year did he see each other i want to see you not tomorrow, i said when yourre free time?
You sent Yesterday at 3:09 PM
I’ll have to let you know.
sent Yesterday at 3:09 PM
Ohh you are not swallowing mee?
You sent Yesterday at 3:10 PM
what does that mean?
sent Yesterday at 3:10 PM
Do have a girlfriend? Or husband?
You sent Yesterday at 3:10 PM
no husband…I date.
sent Yesterday at 3:11 PM
You have a girlfriend?
You sent Yesterday at 3:11 PM
not really, just someone I see.
sent Yesterday at 3:11 PM
I dont have choice okay fine
You sent Yesterday at 3:11 PM
sent Yesterday at 3:12 PM
That’s where we left it. Very strange and I have no idea what her motivation might be in wanting to see me so urgently after all this time. I suspect it revolves around money, but who knows?
And I had another first this morning when I was taking my walk. I’m on the highway and a car is waiting to make a turn from a side street and blocking my path. No big deal, I proceed to walk around behind the car when suddenly the passenger side window rolls down. There are two “women” in the car, and the driver leans over and asks me where I’m going. I said just walking. Then she propositioned me. Why don’t you come with me, baby. I’ll show you a good time. Umm, not today thanks. Are you sure? Yeah. Maybe another time.
Okay, we have prostitution bars here but you don’t see many freelancers. Especially in cars. At least I never have. It wasn’t hard to tell this one no though. First of all, she wasn’t very attractive. In fact, my bakla (transgender) radar was sounding alarms. I didn’t really even notice the passenger, s/he just stared straight ahead during the interaction with the driver. Even if I had been game ain’t no way I’m getting in a car with two strangers to be taken to god knows where. I may be a perv but I ain’t stupid. Well, that stupid anyway.
So, that takes y’all right up to the present moment. Guenter is the Hare today so I’ll likely be finding my own way on trail this afternoon. I guess I’m just becoming risk-averse in my old age.
Weird exchange with Joy. When women do the same thing as those online ads that trick you into sitting through an hour-long spiel before getting to the point, you know something is up.
My first experience getting out of a taxi in Rome’s Piazza della Repubblica was getting propositioned by an old, ugly prostitute. First impressions…
Good luck with the Hash!
Well, when in Rome do what the Romans do… 🙂