The Friday group hikers caught a Jeepney and rode out to Olongapo City to begin the day’s trek. As I boarded and took my seat, the young woman directly across from me said, “Hello, John.” I smiled and nodded, then discretely looked at her for the duration of the trip. Nothing about her was even vaguely familiar. Being greeted by name by someone I don’t recognize happens so frequently these days that it is beginning to bother me. I’ve decided that when this happens in the future, I’m just going to ‘fess up and admit I don’t recognize them and ask where and when we met. This road to dementia is paved with…shit, I forget, but it’s a rough one. Anyway, when I disembarked from the Jeepney, I said it was nice to see her again.
The hike itself was up and over the Kalaklan Ridge, then back down into Barretto. The route we took was through the aptly named Hilltop village. Ninety percent of the climb is via stair steps, and I’d almost forgotten what an ass-kicker they can be. Getting back down also had some challenging moments, but overall it was a pleasantly scenic hike. I was a bit surprised when I checked my tracker at the end of our journey and saw that we had only gone 3.3 kilometers from start to finish. It sure as hell felt longer!
A short stroll into Barretto and some liquid refreshment at Dynamite Dick’s before grabbing a trike for home.
And then, it was time to head back into town and secure my seats for the SOB dance competition at Wet Spot.
It was one of the better shows I’ve seen in a while.
Home to some sugar-free gelatin and then a peaceful sleep. That’s the way this old fart rolls these days.
Christmas memories from my working life on Facebook today:
How about some unfiltered Pea for today’s YouTube video? I’ve been mildly curious about my favorite vlogger’s personal life. I assumed she had a foreign husband who supported her channel, but apparently not. Anyway, it was enjoyable to hear her open up some about herself.
The joke is on me:
Alright, before I get to today’s song from the past, let me share the Baloy Beach bars I was too lazy to post yesterday:
And that’s it on Baloy Long Beach. So, fifty-eight bars in the little barangay of Barretto. I should never go thirsty! As mentioned, I will try to broaden my horizons and visit new venues as part of my Wednesday routine. You can read all about it here!
I won’t be venturing into the bars this Saturday night. Instead, I’ll be attending a birthday party at Ricky and Heidi’s house here in Alta Vista. It should be fun and a nice change of pace.
4 thoughts on “Stairing back at me”
nodded, then discretely looked at her
We gotta work on your “discreetly”s.
discrete = distinct
discreet = with discretion; secretly; surreptitiously
when I checked my tracker at the end of our journey and saw that we had only gone 3.3 kilometers from start to finish. It sure as hell felt longer!
Yup, I know the feeling.
[Peanut-butter] perfume? I’m not sure that smell would be enticing.
It’s for seducing rats and squirrels.
Stairs make a good place to sit when you need a rest from climbing them
An athletic Canadian friend of mine used to be a mountain guide back in Canada. After leaving Korea, he told me he’d done a trip to China, and one event was a stair-climb up a mountain to a remote temple. 6,000 steps. That would’ve taken me all morning and thoroughly kicked my ass. If I tried that now, I might just die.
The view of Barretto from here
Nice shot!
Another sweets opportunity
Just watch out that Big Daddy doesn’t cane you for eating too much.
Our neighbor, Vina, joined us. You can see how nice it was to have company!
Looks to be a red alert aboard the Enterprise.
Wet Spot’s routine included an impressive pole-dancing performance
The English accent I find most difficult among the expat community is Aussie talk.
Is it the accent or the expressions? Both? You can do something about the expressions: find a nice online reference to current Down Under slang. Or watch a lot of CrackerMilk and Ozzy Man videos.
I inquired about taking over the lease, but it was rejected.
Some people like wallowing in shit.
#58. Viking Resort. They have a nice outdoor bar by the pool, and some folks say their pizza is the best in town.
On a cheat day, find out if the legends are true.
Kev, it was a discrete mistake that I didn’t make discreetly. Thanks for the reminder; surely, I knew that at one time. Maybe that girl who knew me that I couldn’t remember was named Grammar.
I couldn’t climb 6000 stairsteps in my dreams. It would be more like a nightmare!
Wet Spot is one of those dark bars, and I’m shy about ruining the vibe by using a flash, so my pics are a red alert. That’s why I don’t mind stealing shots taken by the event’s official photographer.
Yeah, the dancer gave that pole a workout. I was thinking the same thing about the potential collapse as I watched her performance.
I’ve had the Viking pizza before, but it doesn’t compare to Gino’s in Itaewon.
With Aussies, it’s the accent my brain struggles to decipher. With my Scottish friend back in Korea, it was the expressions. “My bonnet’s full of heavy sheet. How many stones can that lift carry?”
Re: #50 Wild Orchid Bar – yeah, it is strange that they would be so much higher in price, especially with all the competition around.
You can sell on value or you can sell on price. Obviously, they are trying to sell on value, but what they offering that the other 50+ bars in towns dont have that justifies their price? Doesnt seem like anything.
:shrugs shoulders
Brian. Precisely. I just don’t get the thinking. Let’s charge 150 and make a hundred pesos profit on each beer we sell, and MAYBE sell ten a day (the place is always empty when I pass by). Or, I can charge 100, make fifty per bottle, and sell fifty beers a day. Let’s do the math.
Again, it could be a very nice beach venue but they are apparently to mathematically challenged to make it work. Oh well, I’m glad for all the other options!
nodded, then discretely looked at her
We gotta work on your “discreetly”s.
discrete = distinct
discreet = with discretion; secretly; surreptitiously
when I checked my tracker at the end of our journey and saw that we had only gone 3.3 kilometers from start to finish. It sure as hell felt longer!
Yup, I know the feeling.
[Peanut-butter] perfume? I’m not sure that smell would be enticing.
It’s for seducing rats and squirrels.
Stairs make a good place to sit when you need a rest from climbing them
An athletic Canadian friend of mine used to be a mountain guide back in Canada. After leaving Korea, he told me he’d done a trip to China, and one event was a stair-climb up a mountain to a remote temple. 6,000 steps. That would’ve taken me all morning and thoroughly kicked my ass. If I tried that now, I might just die.
The view of Barretto from here
Nice shot!
Another sweets opportunity
Just watch out that Big Daddy doesn’t cane you for eating too much.
Our neighbor, Vina, joined us. You can see how nice it was to have company!
Looks to be a red alert aboard the Enterprise.
Wet Spot’s routine included an impressive pole-dancing performance
It’s all good as long as the pole doesn’t collapse.
And secured their first-place finish
Congrats to Santa’s Panties.
The English accent I find most difficult among the expat community is Aussie talk.
Is it the accent or the expressions? Both? You can do something about the expressions: find a nice online reference to current Down Under slang. Or watch a lot of CrackerMilk and Ozzy Man videos.
I inquired about taking over the lease, but it was rejected.
Some people like wallowing in shit.
#58. Viking Resort. They have a nice outdoor bar by the pool, and some folks say their pizza is the best in town.
On a cheat day, find out if the legends are true.
Kev, it was a discrete mistake that I didn’t make discreetly. Thanks for the reminder; surely, I knew that at one time. Maybe that girl who knew me that I couldn’t remember was named Grammar.
I couldn’t climb 6000 stairsteps in my dreams. It would be more like a nightmare!
Wet Spot is one of those dark bars, and I’m shy about ruining the vibe by using a flash, so my pics are a red alert. That’s why I don’t mind stealing shots taken by the event’s official photographer.
Yeah, the dancer gave that pole a workout. I was thinking the same thing about the potential collapse as I watched her performance.
I’ve had the Viking pizza before, but it doesn’t compare to Gino’s in Itaewon.
With Aussies, it’s the accent my brain struggles to decipher. With my Scottish friend back in Korea, it was the expressions. “My bonnet’s full of heavy sheet. How many stones can that lift carry?”
Re: #50 Wild Orchid Bar – yeah, it is strange that they would be so much higher in price, especially with all the competition around.
You can sell on value or you can sell on price. Obviously, they are trying to sell on value, but what they offering that the other 50+ bars in towns dont have that justifies their price? Doesnt seem like anything.
:shrugs shoulders
Brian. Precisely. I just don’t get the thinking. Let’s charge 150 and make a hundred pesos profit on each beer we sell, and MAYBE sell ten a day (the place is always empty when I pass by). Or, I can charge 100, make fifty per bottle, and sell fifty beers a day. Let’s do the math.
Again, it could be a very nice beach venue but they are apparently to mathematically challenged to make it work. Oh well, I’m glad for all the other options!