Not the best of days yesterday. As I mentioned, I had to bail on the Friday group hike when I experienced some breathing issues early on. Before I even got back home I regretted wimping out. I let those voices in my head saying cowardly shit convince me that prudence was dictated. Looking back, if I had forced myself to press on, I likely would have been fine once the relatively easy climb was completed. Sometimes you just have to push yourself a little harder when the going gets rough. And honestly, in the worst-case scenario, I’d rather die doing what I enjoy than to succumb to laziness at home.

I honestly believe my best option in the future will be to walk through bouts like the one I had yesterday. How does that saying go? “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Or maybe, “live and learn.” One of those.
I’m moving forward with trying to maintain a healthier diet. Yesterday, I consumed some bacon and sausage for breakfast, some celery sticks for lunch, a hamburger patty for dinner, and one chicken finger at the SOB. Several San Mig Zeros were my only indulgence. Yes, I missed my post-drinking sweets while watching “Shameless,” but I resisted the urge. (It helped that I gave away the cartons of ice cream in the freezer to my basement dwellers)
When beer o’clock rolled around, I debated whether I should just stay home, but in the end, Friday night and the SOB overcame my resistance. Queen Victoria was the venue, and it had been several months since my last visit to this particular bar. I was the first to arrive and got a comfortable seat with a nice view. Swan joined me a little later, and we enjoyed the show together.

When the show was over at eight, Swan asked where I wanted to go next and I responded, “home.” And that’s just what we did. A little TV and then a good night’s sleep.
We did a 7K candy walk this morning that went well, although I was pretty tired when we finished. I’m just going to keep plugging away for as long as I can.
Today’s Quora Q&A features a weirdly worded question that for some reason I chose to answer anyway.
Q: How is Hoover’s Dam people? Do “the AMERICANS” out there truly appreciate the greatness of a “Hoover Dam?” And why did they name a dam after a Dead President? They never talked about a Dam during school hours. Even at a Private Catholic Elite School.
A: It was originally named Boulder Dam. It was renamed to honor Hoover who was instrumental in using federal resources for the dam’s construction. It is an amazing piece of work.
A ballsy funny:

Alright, let’s see what Saturday night holds in store. Back tomorrow to let you know.
We can be our own worst critics. You followed your intuition and are probably safer for it, but I do understand the feelings of guilt. Maybe a compromise might be to just sit and rest longer than usual before continuing on, but do keep following your instincts: they’re what keep you safe.
Thanks, Kev. Hopefully, this too, shall pass. In the meantime, I seek the middle ground.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water. Less salt, processed meats, etc.
DS, especially that last one!