Smokin’ some Hops and drinkin’ some Brews

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, my Standard Saturday Solo Street Stroll was shorter than usual. I got to the end of my street, said, “fuck this,” then turned around and went back home. I just wasn’t feeling it for some reason.

So, I spent a lazy day at home doing jackshit other than blogging and napping. I was feeling energized when beer o’clock rolled around, and Swan and I headed into town. The first stop was Sloppy Joe’s. Swan was served a rancid glass of undrinkable wine. To his credit, the manager comped her a gin and soda instead. After a couple of drinks, it was time for dinner, and I had something special in mind–a rare visit to Hops and Brews. The last time we ate at Barretto’s only smokehouse, Pugon Corner, we were severely disappointed and vowed never to return. That same day, I saw a Facebook post from Hops and Brews saying they would start their own smoke yard. I figured it was time to give it a try.

We were in luck–this daily special board greeted us as arrived. Might as well try a little of everything and see how they do.
There’s a nice ambiance about the place and service was excellent.
I don’t think big screen TVs for music videos get any bigger than this one
The Smoke Garden menu. I’ll definitely order a la carte next time.
Our platter of smoked meats. The ribs and pulled pork were especially good and the brisket was nice as well.

We were going to do our nightcap at Green Room, but the place was packed, so we went next door to the nearly empty Wet Spot. Owner Dave came by our table, and we had our usual pleasant chat. One of the things we discussed was some recent complaints about Barretto on one of the internet forums, comparing our little town unfavorably to Angeles City. Well, that’s apples and oranges, and I’ll take our beaches and mountains over that shithole city any day. Sure, there are more bars in AC, so there are more options for the guys who have to pay for sex. The complaints about pricing were especially ignorant. We have bars charging as little as 60 pesos if you want cheap beer. Good luck finding that in AC. I’m no expert because I don’t barfine girls, but in Barretto, the transaction is between the guy and the girl, with the girl compensating the bar for leaving work early. So, sharpen those negotiating skills if you want cheaper sex. Damn, I’m glad I don’t have to live a nickel-and-dime existence in my retirement. And I’m also delighted I don’t have to pay for sex!

Went home with some pecan pie from Sit-n-Bull and had a sweet ending to the night.

Facebook reminds me how Lucky looked when I brought him home six years ago.

Skin and bones with no fur. He’s a Lucky dog indeed, albeit a bit of an asshole.

I see ignorant people:

To me, this election is about whether we have a thinking majority or a stupid one.

In today’s YouTube video, Rose Hall explains things to be on the lookout for if you want to avoid a toxic relationship with a Filipina. NOW you tell me! Anyway, it worked out okay for me in the end, but my big red flag was the drama queens. I have almost zero tolerance for that bullshit. Swan has gone into silent mode a couple of times (we’ve been together for over a year now), but we always manage to talk things through and come out stronger on the other side.

Ready for some lame humor?

That’s what your tongue is for, loser!
He has a point
I can dig it!

Sunday is the day of routines. Candy Walk is in the books. Next up, the Hideaway feeding, then dinner with Swan at John’s place. Life is good.

Hmm, turns out it is not about my blog. Oh well.

4 thoughts on “Smokin’ some Hops and drinkin’ some Brews

  1. We were in luck–this [daily-special] board greeted us as [we] arrived.

    50 g is barely a bite! 28 g is an ounce, so 50 g is a bit more than 2 ounces. The range of the menu looks nice, but the portions sound mighty stingy—about how US BBQ is here in Korea, i.e., more of an event than a routine. I prefer the W40,000 price for infinite meat at the Brazilian rodizio.

    I wonder what their version of “curried beans” are.

    To me, this election is about whether we have a thinking majority or a stupid one.

    And what if Trump wins the Electoral College but fails to get the popular vote?

    He’s a Lucky dog indeed, albeit a bit of an asshole.

    How’s he been behaving lately?

    Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. Food looks good.

    (Re: Meme on inflation. As the meme says, money supply is a pretty big driver of inflation. Although I intentionally (usually) stay away from politics, you do know under which administration the money supply QUADRUPLED, don’t you? Hint: it wasn’t the current one. LOL. If you want to do a deep dive, the St. Louis Federal Reserve webpage has detailed charts and analysis on stuff like that. Do a search for the M1 money supply)

  3. Trump’s numbers were bad, but Biden is set to surpass them. And the COVID scam played a part in the increase in Trump’s last year. But the more important numbers have to do with inflation (who knew that cutting oil production would raise gas prices?). The economy is in the shitter and that’s not Trump’s doing. To me, it is a simple question: Were we better off four years ago than we are now?

  4. Yeah, Hops and Brews has a reputation for being over-priced. The quality is good, though. I thought the portions were small for the price as well, but it was good to sample the goods. Next time, I’ll focus on ribs and pulled pork. And damn, I miss that Brazilian steak house in Itaewon. Wonder if it is still open?

    If we get the Electoral College and not the popular vote, the Constitution saved us from the tyranny of the majority our founders warned about.

    I think Lucky is more stupid than evil. He’s resistant to authority but mostly compliant.

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