Just another Saturday night in the Barrio. It did start out with an amusing twist though.
Cheap Charlies is a bar I frequent on a semi-regular basis, as much because it opens earlier than most places as anything else. I arrived a bit after 5:00 and found me a seat overlooking the highway. I was immediately besieged by three thirsty bargirls. Now my regular drinking companion (Maya) either wasn’t there or was otherwise occupied. And I very rarely will purchase a lady drink for more than one girl at a time. But before I could dismiss these vultures soiled doves GROs (guest relations officers) something unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced in a bar occurred. The gal on my left touched my cheek, said “oh, it’s a blackhead” and asked if she could “get it out for me”. I shrugged and said sure and she squeezed out a big one. Then the girl on my right started exploring my face until she found a blackhead of her own to pop. And the third girl started giving me a back rub.
They all continued on until my face was blackhead free and I was sufficiently relaxed that my resistance to purchasing multiple lady drinks was overcome. Hey, they had earned a reward, right? Actually, I rather enjoy having pimples popped and that hasn’t happened since my last wife dumped me. A little strange to have such an intimate act performed in the bar, but what the hell, it was still pleasant. Since these girls were all new (to me) my repertoire of jokes were all new as well so I shared them to polite laughter. And that earned them a second round of drinks. Yeah, maybe I got played like a newbie but my 1000 peso (about $20) tab seemed like a good deal to me anyway. The girls were certainly pleased.
Now, I do try to be generous with the people I encounter. After I left Cheap Charlies I moved over to my regular hangout, Alley Cats. I ordered some take out food for delivery so the bargirls there could snack on chicken wings and fish and chips. That set me back 1400 pesos and my bar tab, including several lady drinks, was another 900. So my Saturday night cost me a total of $65 or so, a little more than normal, but not exactly a budget buster either.
There is however a fine line between generosity and being played for a fool. I’m sure I’ve crossed that line on more than one occasion. But you live and learn. Hopefully. Still, when you tend to be a free spender (or at least viewed as one) you create the perception that you are “rich”. As such you become something of a target whenever someone has a problem.
I do maintain a budget for charity and I will help out someone in need on occasion. The sick kid who requires medicine, the electric bill that must be paid before service is cut, overdue taxes, etc. The tales of woe abound and obviously you can’t help everyone. I’m still trying to figure out when and where to draw the line.
Just this week I’ve had two requests for “loans”. Now, make no mistake, a loan here means gift. I “lent” a substantial amount of money to a “friend” in Manila, and despite repeated promises I have not had one penny of that repaid. She’s still telling me “next week” so maybe one of these days I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Anyway, it’s Christmas time right now which makes saying “no” to people I’m at least acquainted with all the more difficult. And really the amounts being requested ($80. and $200.), while not exactly chump change, is not going to break the bank either. That’s the challenge I guess. Money I’ll blow on beer and lady drinks without a thought or care could potentially solve a worrisome problem for the women requesting these “loans”.
I don’t want to be a Scrooge nor do I want to be viewed as sucker. I haven’t as yet decided how I’ll deal with these latest requests, but I’m leaning towards “sorry, but no”. Or I could go totally evil and ask the hottie who needs $200 to “earn it” (you know, by working under me). Ah, but that’s not who I am either.

Stay tuned!
*Yep, turns out I used the “Show me the money” title four years ago.