Day three of practically non-stop rain. ‘Tis the season after all. I did manage to achieve my 20,000 step goal (around 15K) the previous two days. Today is not looking so promising.
Last night the rain was accompanied by some very strong gusty winds. Got up to pee at 3 a.m. and could barely find the toilet bowl because the power was out. Luckily, it came back on right after I woke up later in the morning. Made my coffee, sat down at my desk to check the internet, and then I did a little rock ‘n roll. Well, everything around me did, I just sat there hoping it wasn’t a landslide coming to take me away.

Speaking of landslides, I noticed on my dog walk this morning that there had been a pretty significant rockfall right up the street from me.

After we got back home there was a very loud clap of thunder directly over the house. Rattled the windows, and poor Buddy, who’d been laying by the sliding door on the balcony, practically jumped out of his skin. I tried not to laugh at him when he gave me a “WTF was that?” look.
Four of us hardy souls braved the rain, mud, and puddles, to accomplish our Friday walk. We kept it mostly flat–I said we were hardy, not stupid! We also all carried umbrellas without shame. Here is what it looked like:

And that’s pretty much how my day went.

You guys routinely walk through streams, so surely a little rain doesn’t necessitate umbrellas?! Then again, I use a poncho these days, although I wonder what the point is, given how much I sweat…
I assume nothing in your building got cracked by the earthquake. When the very ground beneath your feet starts shaking, it’s hard to trust anything.
Yeah, wet with sweat or wet with rain, doesn’t make much difference. Still a bit more comfortable to walk without the water pounding down on your head.
Honestly, my first thought when the earth started shaking was about the notorious lack of quality in construction here. Haven’t noticed any damage from this one though.