…a month once new has now grown old. And so have I. But there is still some life to be squeezed out of each day, and here’s the juice I made with yesterday.
A beautiful start to the day as seen from the morning dog walk.Then it was time to take me for a walk. I did my standard Naugsol valley trek in record time.Leaving the ‘hood. One of my favorite vistas on this trail.No rain in the sky but plenty on the ground.See what I mean?Hello again, Easter mountain.The waterfalls are a recent addition to the Grand Canyon of Naugsol valley.The valley of which I speak. Notice all that white in the hills across the way? That’s the blooms on the thatch grass that is having a banner year.Where rivers meet as seen from bridge #4 on Sawmill road.A couple of kilometers up Sawmill road brought me to bridge #2. I crossed it.A peek into my possible future living in the blue house on the hill.Crossing the river again on bridge #1.Traipsing through downtown Santo Tomas.A final river crossing on the highway (bridge #0?)Taking the backstreets through the little village just outside the Alta Vista gates.
It was a satisfying hike on a fine morning. You can Relive it here if you’d like:
Oh, I saw this poor dog during my hike:
I doubt he’s long for this life. Covered in mange, skin and bones, and looked as sad as it made me feel when I saw him.You can’t save them all.But I saved this one. That’s Lucky on the day I brought him home four years ago.And that’s Lucky this morning. It seems that Lucky now identifies as a Human, and I don’t want to be a bigot and argue otherwise. I am not a biologist, after all.
A nap, a shower, baking some brownies for my new downstairs neighbor, and of course, some blogging. Then it was time to head into town to check in on my bar life.
The afternoon view on my way out was still quite pleasant.
I made It Doesn’t Matter my first stop and enjoyed the company of my regular waitress, Agnes. A bit later, my friend Bhel joined us. When the inevitable hunger pangs struck, I decided to give the nacho salad a try.
It was tasty enough but a little hard to eat because you really couldn’t pick up the chips with your hands (they’d break), and it was tough keeping the bulky contents on a fork. The gals went with a traditional Filipino favorite, sizzling sisig.
I had my last “buy one, get one” coupon for Hot Zone to use before it expired. So, that was the next stop for Bhel and me. The place was packed, and the music was too loud, but the dancers were all on stage during this visit. I wasn’t digging the vibe last night, so I just did one round, and we headed out.
Next stop, BarCelona. Not one of my favorites, but at least they have nice views, and it is my preferred open-air style bar. There was a pool tournament getting ready to start, and Bhel wanted to play, so I “sponsored” her (paid the 100 peso entry fee) and wished her well. Then I went back downstairs, around the corner, and into The Green Room. A couple more beers and lady drinks, then it was time to go home.
And that was my day. A nice but challenging group hike this morning (back up in the hills), and the SOB is on tap for tonight. Maybe September will go out with a bang! Not likely, but check back tomorrow just to be sure.