Sad news

I’m just plodding through a routine workweek here. Nothing happening with me worthy of note. I did learn some sad news. The mother of the Tak sisters (who run Sweet Caroline’s) died Tuesday morning. I called to express my condolences and Mi Soon told me she had visited her mom on Monday and as she was leaving her mother held her hand and asked her to stay awhile longer. Mi Soon told her she had to go home and clean house and do laundry. The next morning her sister called and said mom’s had a heart attack. She was dead when Mi Soon got to the hospital.

Well, life is full of sorrow and there are plenty of sad stories among the “night people” I tend to meet in my limited social life. But the Tak sisters have been very kind to me, and I feel more like their friend than a customer. I know this is going to be a difficult time and my heart goes out to them.

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