Running scared?

I found this latest ad from the Democratic National Committee quite revealing.  It seems folks exercising their first admendment rights has got them worried.  Of course, it is easier to dismiss them as an “angry mob” than to address the legitimate concerns about Obama’s policies being voiced.

Geez, I seem to recall the message from the Dem’s back in Bush’s day was that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism”.  I guess this must be another example of the “hope and change” I’ve been hearing about.

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1 thought on “Running scared?

  1. So is okay for these people, to make posters calling Obama a Socialist, question whether he was even born in the U.S., protest the taxes that are exactly the same as when Bush was in office and disrupt Town Hall meetings by just screaming and shouting but it isn’t okay for the DNC to fight back? I am glad the DNC finally has grown at least one testicle and is fighting back from the silly distractions being thrown out to keep things status quo.

    And I find it very interesting that all these people that are speaking out and rasing “legitimate concerns” all look the same. They are all white, mostly middle aged and mostly male. I’ve also noticed jean shorts seems to be their fashion of choice. These people do NOT represent a majority of this country. Not even close.

    You are right about the double standard. Fox News lead the charge when the Dixie Chicks had the gumption to say that they were ashamed to be from the same state as W. How dare anyone say such a thing about a president?

    Meanwhile, Fox’s own Glen Beck calls Obama a racisit and says he hates white people and its fine.

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