Like the one there in the background that we climbedyesterday.
Our Friday hiking group caught a Jeepney out to the Ocean View Resort in barangay Kalaklan, then we crossed the highway and headed for the hills. I’ve said before there is no easy way up to the top of the ridgeline, but the route we took had a slower incline–takes longer to get up but not as ass-kicking as other trails, like the so-called Motherfucker. Some of my fellow hikers disagreed with my “easier” assessment, saying they’d rather get the climb done as soon as possible. Still, it had been quite some time since we’d gone this way, and it was a nice change of pace. It was a beautiful day, and that made the views from on high even more spectacular. I’ve got the pictures to prove it:
Our group for the day. Well, except for the woman second on the left. She was some loud drunk crazy person who we encountered at the 7/11 where we met up. She actually followed us onto the Jeepney and got out with us at Ocean View. I figured she wouldn’t make it too far up the first part of the climb, and I turned out to be right about that. Weird.The beginning of the upward journey took us through this shanty village.The higher you go, the nicer it getsThe first of many pauses to take in the views.Off to our right was the area that used to be the U.S. Navy’s largest Pacific base.And on our left was this view of the Subic Bay.The ridgeline is a natural divider that separates Olongapo City from Barretto (keeping in mind that Barretto is technically part of Olongapo–the best part!)Downtown OlongapoUptown Olongapo, including Gordon HeightsSeems like old times with that Navy vessel anchored in the bay. It pulled out this morning.Rest stopLooking back from whence we cameThere are a few scattered families living up here; I dropped some cookies off for the kiddies.I’m not sure what kind of trees these are, but walking in their shade was nice.There is also a resort up here with a swimming pool and everything. I’ve never seen any customers on the several times I’ve passed through. There is no vehicle access to get here, so visitors have to hoof it up the mountain to use the facilities. I could see myself making the trek up, but I’d hate coming back down after a few beers. That concrete sidewalk is a new addition since my last time here, so I guess improvements are ongoing. I’ll say this, though. If there was a road up here and someone built a high-rise condominium,I would definitelybe interested in enjoying these views every day for the rest of my life.What’s not to like?If you build it, they will come.Hello down there, Barrio Barretto!Dona is a swinger!Broke tree mountainWalkin’ the Great WallMaking our way back downAnother cookie stopDynamite Dick provided the after-hike refreshments.The path we took was 6.83 kilometers long. The day before, on my solo walk, the distance was also exactly 6.83K. What are the odds of that happening? There was one difference, though. Yesterday we had an elevation gain of +278 meters. My solo walk was +29.
It was a good day on the Kalaklan Ridge.
I did the SOB last night at Whiskey Girl, but the pictures from that event haven’t been posted yet, so I have nothing to share in that regard. The Whiskey Girl team did take the top spot again for the fourth week in a row. You can see their hard work and dedication in their performance. I’ll post pictures tomorrow, hopefully.
And if you are curious, Jen and I made our peace, and I bought her company via lady drinks during my attendance at the SOB. As I have admitted and explained to her, I was at fault for taking the “game” seriously and expecting her to care about my feelings. That ain’t her job, and shame on me for forgetting that fact.
Facebook memories reminded me of the time six years ago when I dropped a bomb at a friend’s wedding reception:
Boom goes the dynamite! That was at Shenanigans in Itaewon. Ah, the good ol’ days.
I did my standard solo Saturday street walk this morning
Just a little over 6K, but it ended well.Brought home this burrito from Sit-n-Bull for my post-hike lunch.
And now Saturday night is right around the corner. What adventures will I encounter tonight? Can’t say for sure, but I’d wager beer will be involved. See you here tomorrow!
2 thoughts on “Ruffles have ridges”
Gorgeous views. I’d probably prefer an ascent that’s less steep, too.
The burrito comes with corn chips! I like your carbs-with-carbs style!
re: that piece of land you mentioned
I love that sort of view myself, but wouldn’t you be too far away from your beloved bars?
I have surrendered in the war against carbohydrates, and I am now a prisoner unable to resist the carby poisons I am subjected to on a daily basis. All I can do now is serve as a bad example.
Well, if they built condos up there, I am quite certain some enterprising businessperson would open a bar/restaurant next door. Or better yet, on the rooftop. And as long as there was road access, I could have my driver take me to and from Barretto, where the urge for naughtiness could be satiated.
I actually believe there were plans for development on the ridgeline at one time. “The Great Wall” was the foundation for something that was never completed. It’s a shame. On the other hand, the development would make the hiking less desirable, so I guess I ought to count my blessings.
Gorgeous views. I’d probably prefer an ascent that’s less steep, too.
The burrito comes with corn chips! I like your carbs-with-carbs style!
re: that piece of land you mentioned
I love that sort of view myself, but wouldn’t you be too far away from your beloved bars?
I have surrendered in the war against carbohydrates, and I am now a prisoner unable to resist the carby poisons I am subjected to on a daily basis. All I can do now is serve as a bad example.
Well, if they built condos up there, I am quite certain some enterprising businessperson would open a bar/restaurant next door. Or better yet, on the rooftop. And as long as there was road access, I could have my driver take me to and from Barretto, where the urge for naughtiness could be satiated.
I actually believe there were plans for development on the ridgeline at one time. “The Great Wall” was the foundation for something that was never completed. It’s a shame. On the other hand, the development would make the hiking less desirable, so I guess I ought to count my blessings.