Short and sweet today because I’m running behind schedule, and I ain’t got much to say anyway. Just my typical Tuesday bookended with morning grocery shopping and the beach in the afternoon.
Here’s a couple of minutes inside the Royal Duty-Free supermarket:
And here’s a five-minute beach walk on the way to our weekly Kokomo’s floating bar visit:
I promise the videos will improve one day soon. I’m looking into purchasing some better equipment and some software that will allow proper editing.
Yesterday’s view as we arrived at the floating bar:

And then this happened again:

With the sun’s show over, we headed back to shore.

We were feeling like Mexican last night:

After our meal, we headed for home. Swan said she missed my smoothies, so I made a batch for the first time in a long time. Two bananas, some frozen strawberries, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and some milk in the blender. They were not exactly diet-friendly, but damn, they were tasty! We enjoyed another episode of “Squid Game” while we sipped our sweet treats. Nice to end the evening with more bloody murder and mayhem.

Twenty years ago, I enjoyed family members’ comments on my political blog posts. These days, none of my family reads or comments here at LTG. Everything changes, and life goes on.
Fourteen years ago, the family gathered in Enid, Oklahoma, for my mother’s funeral and burial.

Today’s YouTube video from my vlogger friend, John Brant, is eight years old. John was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and I rarely see him out and about these days. He hasn’t vlogged for years now, but it was his videos that got me interested in joining the Hash. I very rarely visit Hot Zone these days, but I understand it is still one of the better girly bars in town. And this pole dancer put on quite a show!
Today’s dose of humor:

And there you have it—another day, another post. Beer o’clock is fast approaching, so I’d best jump in the shower and prepare myself!
Here’s a couple of minutes inside the Royal Duty-Free supermarket:
Ah, continued success with filming in landscape! Nice. You have the hang of it. I need to break my own bad habit of filming in portrait.
Royal seems like any American store, an island of American-ness. What was the problem with living in/on/at SBMA, again?
And here’s a five-minute beach walk on the way to our weekly Kokomo’s floating bar visit:
I’m hearing a lot of labored breathing on these beach walks (which are beautiful, by the way). You practicing for a Vader role? When I film my short, little vignettes, I normally try to breathe quietly through my nose.
I’m looking into purchasing some better equipment and some software that will allow proper editing.
That’ll put you ahead of me. I’m still educating myself on still-photo cameras. If you don’t want to shell out, I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of video-editing software online that’s free to use. Just look up “free video-editing software,” and you’ll find something. Be sure to look up commentary on what the best editing software is, free or not. Beware of online services that are free, but that feature a ton of ads and maybe other hidden obligations.
I was a little surprised those smoothies didn’t put me over the top.
As was I. Congrats on staying under budget.
It was the last time we were all together. L-R around the table: Me, wife Jee Yeun, daughter Renee, nephew Joshua, son Kevin, daughter-in-law Lauren, brother Greg, nephew Jason, and his Filipina wife, Rosie.
You’ve got a bunch of J-nephews. Isn’t the Korean-speaking one Justin, or am I going senile? Why wasn’t Justin there for that pic? In Korea at the time?
Anyway, here’s to beaches and family gatherings. And to pole dancers with bony asses.
The main turnoff for me on SBMA is that “Americanness” you noticed. I looked at a nice duplex there, former officer housing on the Navy base, and it had a huge American-style kitchen, a comfy upstairs master bedroom, and a view of the duplexes across the street. A real American suburb vibe. Except I wanted to live in the Philippines. SBMA is nice to visit, but I have no regrets about my decision to reside elsewhere.
The key to successfully videoing in horizontal mode is starting and finishing recording, holding the phone in that position. It is a bit of a pain in the ass, and I need to improve my targeting. A camera clipped to my hat ought to give a better “John’s-eye view” to my videos. I hadn’t noticed the heavy breathing; I’ll try to control myself better in the future! Yeah, I’ll need to make sure whatever software package I wind up with is easy to use and worth the effort.
Yes, Justin is the third “J” on the nephew list, and he is the one you’ve met. He couldn’t attend the funeral because he was (and still is) living in Korea.
re: Shooting videos – plenty of “selfie sticks” for a phone that allow you to hold it in the landscape position. A bit easier than holding the phone. And, as I mentioned in a previous comment, GoPro can be a good choice for shooting “action” videos.
Yes, a GoPro is on my shopping list! Thanks for the suggestion.