It’s Hash Monday, so I’m gonna dash off a quick post about yesterday before heading for the hills.

I had it in mind to do a Marian Hills/San Isidro/Govic Highway/Santa Monica/Barretto solo hike that would have taken seven kilometers or so to complete. But once I got started, I knew I was having an off day. Just lacking energy and feeling winded, despite not doing any hills. I considered bailing and catching a trike home, but instead, I cut out the Govic/Santa Monica portion and finished my journey in a little over 4K.

Back home, I engaged in the usual afternoon routines. I also changed things up by baking a dozen banana-nut muffins instead of brownies for the Hideaway feeding.

The feeding was uneventful, but the girls did seem to enjoy the muffins. After Hideaway, I paid a visit to Oasis and then finished my night at Alaska Club.
And once I was back home, things went south. After a few beers, I have no trouble falling asleep (last week, the problem was waking up after a couple of hours and not being able to go back to sleep). Last night, for whatever reason, sleep wouldn’t come. Plan B is to watch some Netflix (I’m on Season 3 of “Shameless” now), but for whatever reason, Netflix wouldn’t load on the TV. YouTube was working, and one of the movies on my “recommended” list was “End of the World.”

The characters were so shallow, and the storyline so stupid I wondered if this was supposed to be a comedy. Except it wasn’t funny, either. It even failed at boring me to sleep. Well, there’s an hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back.
I went back to bed after the movie but still couldn’t sleep. So, I watched some vloggers sharing their experiences in the PI and other assorted YouTube crap. I’d doze off periodically in my easy chair for a few minutes at a time, and that was the extent of my sleep last night. We’ll see how that affects my Hash performance this afternoon.
Almoranus is the Hare today, and the inside scoop is he’s prepared an 11K monster up on Kalaklan Ridge. Nope, that ain’t happening for me. I’m meeting up with Pubic Head and we are going to do our own “sane” trail. On Home is at Johansson’s today. Wish me luck!
Nothing like a seasoned ship:

See you here tomorrow!
Good luck with your sane version of the Hash.
“End of the World” sounds like a waste of time. Do you scan around for reviews before you watch a movie, or do you just plunge right in?
Nice shots of the morning moon and the sun shining through clouds.
I will typically go with movies that have been recommended or that I’ve read a favorable review. I was just couch surfing when I came upon “End of the World,” and it looked okay from the trailer. It wasn’t.