Rockin’ me

Black Rock, that is. Yesterday, the Friday hiking groups took a climb up to Black Rock Mountain, then down the other side, circling back to Barretto on a 7+ kilometer trek that looked like this:

The way we rolled.
Heading out via the National highway.
Beginning the climb on this long set of uneven steps.
Halfway up on the road leading to the path.
Continuing the climb.
The final push to the top.
Only six of us yesterday. This is the slow part of the group.
Looking across the valley to Alta Vista on the adjacent hillside.
I love the view from atop Black Rock.
The black rock opposite of Black Rock.
Beginning to make our way back down.
Easy does it!
Martin taking is slow and sure.
Finally, back on flat ground.
Still too hot without shade.
The obligatory shot of Easter mountain.
Making our way home.

Not a bad morning’s work. You can Relive it here if you like:

A drama-free night, which is always nice.

The tourney winners.

I was feeling unusually generous and ordered some food from Sit-n-Bull for delivery: chicken wings, chicken fingers, and shanghai lumpia. All the Alley Cats gals got a lady drink to wash the food down.

I popped into Alaska Club for a nightcap and was surprised and sad to see that I was the only customer on a Friday night. There were six dancers on stage with no one to dance for, so I gave them each a 50 peso tip to say thank you for the effort.

Then I called it a night and caught a trike home. In bed at the appointed hour and ready for whatever action today may bring. You’ll hear about it here, so come on back!

4 thoughts on “Rockin’ me

  1. Glad to see that you’re still in your generous mood. Alaska should probably name a drink after you , or a plate of food… you have been one of their most loyal customer. Speaking of which, I would think at least one of the girls at Alaska would have made it 🤔 to your mansion on a regular basis 🤔.

    I’m surprised that the place still doesn’t have as many customers, now that the lockdown shenanigans are almost over. Do the weekend tourists from the big city not frequent those kind of bars , or is it just a day trip to the beach 🤔 for them 🤔
    And I haven’t heard of your interactions with out-of-town weekend visitors ….on account of your self-reported 🤭 shyness.

    That Martin fella is starting to really thin out so much you can see the weight come off . He probably needs a completely new wardrobe. Has he changed his diet 🤔 as well? Somebody should be taking notes 📝

  2. Great pics as always John. It does look hot.

    Having said that, i am not sure that I would wear a black shirt to go hiking on a day like that. More power to them if it doesn’t bother them. :hot

  3. James, it’s easier to be generous when you can take care of the crew for the equivalent of fifty bucks. Even at that, it is something I rarely do. A couple of lady drinks over the course of the evening is more my style.

    I’m not sure what’s up with Alaska, could have just been an off night or too early. Other bars in Barretto have been hoppin’ lately with the tourists back in town. And no, I don’t usually interact much with anyone I don’t know–mama taught me not to talk to strangers!

    I don’t know anything about Martin’s diet, but I do know he has been walking a lot. Since I see him regularly I don’t notice the change so much, but it is impressive that a couple of readers have noticed the weight loss from afar.

  4. Brian, hadn’t really thought about the black shirt thing. I assume the ones they are wearing are those lightweight breathable-type materials. I usually just wear an old Hash shirt. I’ve also been doing a headband to keep the sweat out of my eyes…I’m typically soaking wet early in the hike.

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