I find all this “insurrection” talk from the Dems and big media (but I repeat myself) to be rather revolting. Keep it up and you’ll see what a real revolution looks like. But enough with American politics. I live here now and my shenanigans create more than enough drama to fill my days.
I had a nice 7.5K morning walk. Did a photo every ten minutes this time. I’ll add them at the end of this post. My anticipated afternoon delight was a visit from Joy.
I honestly didn’t know what to expect. It was her day off and her idea to come over. I was prepared to do the steak dinner thing, even had the potatoes baking in the oven when she arrived. “How long can you stay?” I asked. She replied that she needed to leave around 3:00. It was currently 2:00, so then I knew what she had come for. So, we took care of business, and it was time to go. I walked her out of the subdivision and invited her to join me at a new Korean place that just opened, but it was closed. So, I took her to Sit-n-Bull instead.
After the meal, we said our goodbyes. And there I stood on the highway in Barretto at 3:30 in the afternoon. I had no expectations about Joy and yet somehow I still felt a sense of disappointment. Nothing a few beers won’t cure I reasoned, so I headed over to the Mango’s beach bar for some solitary contemplation. Then I moved on to Outback for more beer and bargirl company. When I tired of that, I crossed the street to Queen Victoria for more of the same. Well, you get the picture. Just another night in paradise. It ended in a bizarre and unexpected way, copious amounts of beer will sometimes do that, but I’ll have to share that story another time. I’m not sure what I’m doing at this point.
Anyway, I have the Friday hike this morning, the annual Hash leadership meeting in the early afternoon, and then darts in the evening. Wanted to get this post up now as it is likely my only chance to do so.
Yesterday’s solitary hike:

Relive the walk here if you want:
It seems life just gets curiouser and curiouser. Stay tuned for whatever may be coming next.
Gotta love the cliffhanger!!!
Okay, standing by.
Sorry to keep you guys in suspense. As usual, it was probably nothing. It started when Dick walked into Queen Vic drunk on his ass. He didn’t say anything to me though, which is good because I was in no mood to have my nose rubbed in his victory. He sat at a table behind me and passed out. A bit later he woke and left.
I decided to pay a visit to Pearl’s place. I’ll tell that story in a protected post.
Am I on the list to read the new secret posts 📫 🤔 👀?
By the way, I support the whole thing.
Part of the recent demise of your relationship may have been the sharing of each moment of it. We scoff at the young kids taking their Instagram selfies 🤳 instead of enjoying the moment, and yet here’s an elder wiser fella 😉 planning 😉 his days out for the readers 😀
Maybe you subconsciously planned your dates so that you’d have something to write about later 😏 🤔
Think about that
I’m sending an email for the password. I can’t miss this episode!
Sent you an email for pw.
Passwords will be sent today.
James, nope. No intentional self-destruction. Sometimes the writing about what is going on in my life and relationships is as much about me trying to understand what is going on as it is about telling the story.
This latest chapter (still to be written) is almost beyond belief.