Well, damn. Yesterday felt like progress, especially in losing the cough. But it’s back today and I feel like shit again. Didn’t even attempt the Friday walking group hike. Oh well. Little by little I suppose.
One thing that is rather strange and I can only assume is illness-related, is that I haven’t vaped since Monday. It wasn’t like I said to myself, “don’t put anything into your lungs until you feel better”, it was just a matter of having no craving or desire to do my vaping routine. I’ve been a big-time vaper for seven or eight years now and before that a rather heavy smoker. That I have no compunction compulsion to inhale nicotine seems bizarre. Anyway, at this point, I’m going to go with the flow and try to end my habit. Vaping isn’t anywhere near as bad as smoking, but not as healthy as nothing. Plus maintaining the equipment is a pain in the ass. We’ll see how that goes.
The morning wasn’t a complete waste at least. I came across a crockpot recipe that I decided to give a try.

Last night I changed things up a bit in my bar-hopping routine. I started out at Queen Victoria for a couple, then crossed the street and visited Outback. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been to either one and frankly, last night was a pretty good reminder of why. I did get to thinking about doing a series of posts highlighting the Bars of Barretto. Years ago I reviewed the Dart Bars of Itaewon in a series of posts. This would be something similar–one man’s perspective on the drinking venues here in my little town. Does anyone like that idea?
After I left Outback, I went to my regular hangout at Mango’s. My usual staff servers were off, and the gal that was there left me sitting with an empty beer bottle for a period of time that exceed my tolerance level. So, instead of dining and drinking, it was one and out for me. I moved up the street and ate at Maris’ Kitchenette instead. Had chicken wings and fries, which hit the spot. The owner and two of her friends were busy drinking Filipino-style–shots of Emperador rum and Coke. I didn’t think it was a good look, but that’s not my business. The two workers were sober and diligent at least.
My final stop on the night was Wet Spot, one of my favorite bars that for some reason I just don’t visit that often these days. Bought a couple of drinks for the food waitress and she’s now my newest Facebook friend. The owner came in and we had a very nice chat. I was happy to hear that his bars are at least in a break-even status and like everyone, he’s looking forward to better days to come when the tourists return. In the meantime, he’s employing a bunch of friendly gals (must have been 25 or more in there) that would otherwise be without work. Good on you, Dave!
So, in one of the seldom frequented bars mentioned above, I chatted with a bartender I’ve been acquainted with for quite a while now. When I offered the standard greeting of “how you doing?”, she responded not so good. Turns out she is currently experiencing some medical issues (gynecological in nature, so I didn’t press for details) that she said require surgery. And of course, she doesn’t have the 35,000 pesos ($700.) required to have the operation. So, apparently, she’s been suffering for several months now. I offered her my sympathies and talked a little about how fucked the working poor are when faced with this situation. It was kind of chilling my vibe though, so I finished my beer, wished her well, and said goodnight.
I got to thinking about it more later and sent her a message: Does the hospital accept credit card payments? She didn’t know but said she would find out. I told her if they do, I’d help her out so she could get the surgery she needs. Yeah, look at me. That’s the most expensive pussy I’ve ever paid for and I’m not even getting any (nor do I want to, just to be clear). Today she messaged that credit cards are accepted and I told her to go ahead and get the procedure scheduled. The credit card thing was not about me not being able to get the cash, it was all about making sure I was getting what I’m paying for. Based on the photos of the paperwork she sent, it all seems legit, including the cost. It’s still a lot of money, but at least I’m blowing it on a worthy purpose this time.
Anyway, that’s how things are going in my sick little world.

“touch myself/have a stroke”
I’m reminded of the old joke:
“Mr. Mouse, you can’t divorce your wife Minnie just because you suspect she’s stupid.”
“Your Honor, I didn’t say she was stupid; I said she was fucking Goofy!”
That I have no compunction to inhale nicotine seems bizarre.
I assume you mean “compulsion.” A compunction is a sense of hesitancy, usually rooted in one’s conscience. A synonym is qualm(s).
Jack had no compunctions about shooting his mother.
Sorry to hear about the relapse. Good luck as you make the effort to quit vaping!
Dear John,
Old Cunt Face here again.
You have a big heart funding that lady’s proceedure. The Barretto could do with more gentlemen in the bars like you.
You do realise that Wet Spot is not really a resto bar? Companionship can still be had for ₱5000 only, with only half going to Daddy. Less if pogi like you I imagine.
I am delighted Wet Spot (and Voodoo) is still holding in there. The empire began crumbling well before Covid (Angelwitch, Buccaneer, Rapscallion, Dusk till Dawn, Scamps, Rum Jungle, Lollipop if I can remember correctly (I am 89 next month you know). I blame the managers – a lot of shickers and shmendriks.
Oh, and can you recall the attempt at a discotheque by where BarCelona is now? It didn’t last long but they do say God loves a trier.
Helping the server is nice, particularly when you don’t want to enjoy her later, but hope your grandiose gesture doesn’t become well known.
Kev, haha! I’ve told that joke before. Yeah, I meant compulsion. I’m very serious about my Biden disease…this is another example of how it manifests itself.
Dave, yeah your memory is intact when it comes to the Maze bars. They weren’t all Dryden Group bars though. One you left out that I liked was The Man Cave. Rum Jungle is now The Green Room, a sports bar. Still plenty of places the go in this town, that’s for sure.
QP, well, this is the first time I’ve done anything like that and I don’t expect to make it a habit. One of the factors in play here was that she didn’t ask. at least not directly. She told me her sad story and then just said she’d have to continue living in pain and discomfort until she could raise the money. After I’d moved on to my next stop I got to thinking about all the ways I waste money and that I could pay for the operation with just a little self-discipline on my part. Her response when I told her was as if a prayer had been answered. Heh, the Lord I don’t believe in truly does work in mysterious ways.
John, you have a good heart.
And yeah, a bars of Baretto would be a nice series.
I think I came across your blog before I met you and that it how I found the Dolce Vida (or maybe the other way around LOL). Met you there by chance and over a beer or three, you mentioned that you had a blog. As I mentioned before, I was/am not a dart player, so our paths did not cross too often, but when you weren’t playing and I was warming a seat at the bar, enjoyed solving the worlds problems with you. Time flies!!!
Thanks for the memories, Brian. Yes, time flies. I’ll be glad when I can again! Hang in there, maybe our paths will cross again one day…