It was deja vu all over again. Although not technically a rehash since Saturday’s hike wasn’t a Hash event. Still, it was exactly the same route I took with the “sauerkraut” walkers. Probably should not be surprised because the Hare was the burly German guy–he just killed the proverbial two birds with one stone I guess. Still just a tad disappointing to not see something new, but other than the exhausting mountain climb it’s a pretty nice trail. Here’s some photos:

A longish trail. It was getting to be pretty dusky by the time I made it back…

The Hare, Almoran, giving last minute instructions…

The walkers being transported to the trail head in the Hashmobile…

That would be me in the back of the truck…

Ready to get started?

And we are “on-on”!

That mountain is a tough motherfucker…

But maybe if you live up there you get used to it…

And there are the views…

That’s me walking the ridge line, a comparatively easy way down…

The old Navy base on the left as we made our way back down to the National Higway…

I just can’t imagine living like this…

My nightmare when I walk the highway. But we made it across safely…

…and onto the beach for a relatively easy walk on-home.

During the Hash circle I was recognized with this headband for completing my 25th Hash…
Ha! And now I’ve completed my 25th post about my Hashing adventures. You’re welcome!
UPDATE: Came across this story about the Hashers causing a panic by marking the trail with “white powder”. HaHa, it’s flour folks. Environmentally friendly!
I was going to ask whether you’d seen that article. This isn’t the first time such an article has appeared. People all over the world squawk and gobble whenever they see random deposits of white powder.
Great photos, as always. And congrats on Number 25!