Nothing to get down about. Nothing to write home about, either. But this is a blog, so here I go anyway.
The weekly excursion to Royal for groceries went according to plan. Another week with no ice cream in the cart, but thems the breaks.
Swan and two expat neighbors visited the barangay office. There are some aggressive dogs down the street from us who go into attack mode whenever we walk by. I carry a stick when I pass, and they back off when I fight back, but it feels like being in a bar brawl. One of the neighbors was bitten recently. So, the complaint has been filed, and the dog owner has until Friday to respond to a summons from the barangay. We’ll see what happens.
Our Tuesday ritual of visiting the Kokomo floater is on hold, but we still headed out for Baloy Beach at beer o’clock. First stop was the Kokomo Resort bar, a venue I’ve never visited before. Not surprisingly given the threatening skies, we were the only customers. And during our brief stay the clouds opened up and the wind and rain forced us to retreat to the backside of the bar.

Kokomo’s doesn’t serve food, so we moved next door to DaKudos (which is apparently changing its name to Foxhole) and had a bite to eat. We took a trike to Snackbar for our nightcap, then headed on home. Around one in the morning, the power went out. I woke up when the fans stopped blowing the comforting air. When the power was restored an hour later, I was a sweaty mess. Not the best start to the day!
In other news, I got invited to join a Facebook group called “Westminster, CA Residents Past-Present.” I grew up in Westminster so it’s been kind of fun exploring the old memories of places I’ve been. One post was about Blinky’s Pizza, a place I worked as a teen. Anyway, I posted that picture of my dad doing his thing at The Rite Spot and was shocked at the response from people who remembered the place as a popular hangout with good food. One commenter said they have the old Rite Spot menu board being prepared for display at the Westminster museum (I didn’t even they had a museum, but I’ve been gone since 1978.) Another commenter asked my permission to use the photo of my father for display next to the menu in the museum. I was happy to oblige.

Today’s video is a morning walking tour of Barretto that features the newest bar in town. I stopped in there after the Hash on Monday and it was packed with bikers (not that there is anything wrong with that). I don’t know if that was a one-off or if it will be the local hangout for motorcycle clubs. Anyway, good luck to them!
And now a moment of humor:

That’s all he wrote. (Cue the applause)
DaKudos (which is apparently changing its name to Foxhole)
Good move. I never liked the dopey sound of “DaKudos.”
Congrats to your dad on making it into museum lore.
I think that should read “Gentlemen’s,” but who am I to criticize?
You are correct. Unlike the Germans, we use apostrophes to indicate possession. “Kevin’s book,” not “Kevins Buch.”
So is the rainy season finally upon you? We’ll be getting our own monsoon sometime in July.
Yes, I always thought DaKudos was a ridiculous name. Foxhole works as a bar name but still seems off somehow for a resort. “How was your room?” It was like being in an f’n foxhole…
I was thinking of Cabin’s cabin as an example…
Big rain again last night. Yes, it appears the season has at last arrived!
There’s a long tradition of certain types of fine establishments being named “Foxhole” as a rather explicit double entendre. Perhaps this one will be more innocent. But I sure hope not.
Should the ‘Postrophe Posse be concerned about your use of “thems the breaks?” Shouldn’t it logically be “them’s,” a contraction of “them is?”
The Barstool Literary Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Grammar is forever on guard, lest appropriately high standards crumble into meaningless babble and barbarism.
Carry on.
HaHa! I hadn’t considered an apostrophe for “thems,” but you might be right!
Back in the day, I understand there was a bar in Subic town named Foxhole. I think it was one of “those kinds” of establishments you’re talking about. Oddly enough, the rumor I heard was the owner of Foxhole wanted to open a beach bar complete with bargirls, and barangay Captain Baloy said no.
Should the ‘Postrophe Posse be concerned about your use of “thems the breaks?” Shouldn’t it logically be “them’s,” a contraction of “them is?”
Good catch, Drain Snake!
Thanks, Kevin.
Eternal vigilance. : )