Sorry, I’ll have a more substantial post (well, comparatively speaking) tomorrow. For now, I’ll just report that it is raining hard. I do believe we have officially entered rainy season. This will allow me to stop complaining about the heat. Damn it! Will this rain ever stop?
Anyway, I’d almost completed my morning walk before the downpour commenced. The weekend lockdown commenced at 2:00, so I had to forego my afternoon hike. Well, I did manage to score three more cases of beer today at least. And prices are back to almost normal.
I cooked up some pulled pork which went well with the conclusion of Season 5 of Game of Thrones. I was very surprised to see Jon Snow’s demise. About the only character with character. I guess Billy Joel was right when he sang only the good die young.
Speaking of death, you’d think worrying about the COVID would be enough, but today I found some info about something even more dangerous:

Time to load up Season 6. I’ll try and do better tomorrow!
They say there’s a heaven for those who will wait
Some say it’s better but I say it ain’t
I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
The sinners are much more fun…
You know that only the good die young
Jon Snow’s demise is in the novels. What happens after his demise, though, is not. Once you see enough of the aftermath, go online and look up the “Fuck Olly” meme. Don’t spoil it for yourself by looking it up prematurely. You need the context of the show for the meme to make sense. (Or do you already know about the meme?)
Specifically, look up the “Fuck Olly” meme after you’ve watched Episode 3 of Season 6.
No, not familiar with the meme at all. I did get far enough into season 6 to see the resurrection, no idea what happens next. I’ll wait a few more episodes before looking for Olly…
Heh, our last comments were written at the same time and posted a minute apart. Yeah, episode 3 is next up!