I attended the SOB Pool Party instead of Hashing yesterday. It was something different, but nothing I will make a habit of doing (they are only held every few months anyway). The big problem for me, besides not getting my steps in, was drinking so early in the day. The entry fee is 995 pesos, and the event runs from noon until four. The price of admission includes five drinks and a buffet lunch. Swan is a slow drinker, so I used a couple of her tickets. And then, some random stranger came up, said he was leaving and handed me four unused drink coupons. I definitely had my beer-drinking capacity tested, but in the end, I ensured that no coupon went to waste.
Swan and I were comfortably seated at a shady table in the back with Brett, Wet Spot manager and party host. A couple of the events took place on the beach (limbo and a sack race), but I couldn’t be bothered to leave my comfort zone to watch. I could see the poolside games well enough, but I guess I was just not that into the competition. I did enjoy seeing the gals having a good time outside of the bar environment.
A photographer pal of mine was there, but he’s not posted anything yet, so my random shots from the day will have to suffice:

When the event ended at four, we walked up the beach and had our “nightcap” at McCoy’s. At five o’clock, I was spent, so we headed home. According to my Fitbit, I was sound asleep at 6:17 p.m. Naturally, I woke up at midnight, having gotten my usual night’s sleep. I fiddled on the internet for a bit, then forced myself back to bed for some additional fitful sleep.
A nice change of pace but also a good reminder of why I choose not to be a daytime drinker.
So, this was posted on my Facebook feed today:

So, my longstanding concern is that war with China may be inevitable–here, in Taiwan, or both. I’ve been asking around what the purpose of those Navy supply ships is since I never see them docked for offloading. I’m told they are fully loaded and ready for deployment wherever and whenever the need arises. So, they move around between ports here in East Asia, standing by for any contingencies. I haven’t seen more than three in one place, but apparently, there are several more ships at least.

Maybe I’m just paranoid, but it sure feels like something is brewing.
Let’s delve into the Quora Q&A quagmire, shall we?
Q: Should we take a walk in other’s shoes before we judge them?
A: I personally always try on shoes before I buy them to make sure I have a good and comfortable fit. If I judge them uncomfortable, I won’t walk in them.
I’ve had especially bad luck ordering shoes online. They always seem to get the size wrong.
Any one feeling like something a little dirty?

That’s it for today, see you next time!
My date for the party
Thank God she’s not wearing Jackie O’s. I hate those. They make a chick look like an inscrutable insect. Not sexy at all. For my money, the sexiest sunglasses for women are aviators. But I’m talking mainly about white chicks.
I’ll be visiting the Kokomo floating bar later this afternoon.
Those banana-colored kayaks remind me of the transparent kayaks I saw in Jeju.
The Wet Spot girls were seated behind us.
Thus far, Swan doesn’t seem all that happy.
Jerry from Alaska Club with his big bag of balls in the pool.
Dirty big balls!
I’ve been asking around what the purpose of those Navy supply ships is since I never see them docked for offloading. I’m told they are fully loaded and ready for deployment wherever and whenever the need arises. So, they move around between ports here in East Asia, standing by for any contingencies.
America is indeed beefing up its presence in that part of the world. One of the few things that Biden’s puppeteers have gotten right.
Should we take a walk in other’s shoes before we judge them?
If you examine the grammar of the question, you can quickly conclude the question should be rewritten. I assume the writer is using “them” as a pronoun to replace and refer to “other’s,” not “shoes.” But you see that “other’s” is modifying the noun “shoes,” so it’s functioning as an adjective. This means that “them” can’t replace “other’s” because a pronoun only ever stands in for a noun. Also: the word “other’s” is a possessive for a singular noun. The apostrophe needs to be shifted like so: others’.
Possible rewrite:
Should we judge other people before we’ve walked in their shoes?
You are what you eat, pussy!
So, what’d you think of the comma error in the first frame of this meme?
Sorry, but I never really liked REM. Too annoyingly nasal and drawly.
Kev, regarding the sunglasses, my sense is that Swan isn’t going for style, just functionality.
I don’t think the bay water is clear enough to make a transparent kayak worthwhile.
I enjoyed the post you linked. I honestly had no idea that some monks behave like that. Who do they think they are, Catholic priests?
I didn’t know the science behind the bad grammar in that Quora question, but I recognized the result. Hence my mocking answer.
I read right past that first-frame comma error you mentioned, but when I went back and looked, I saw it should have been a semi-colon.
REM, to me, always had a unique sound and some good songs. “Everybody Hurts” and “Losing My Religion” are a couple of my favorites.
It’s been brewing for quite some time and everyone better watch their step.
I’ve been seeing some of that “West Philippine Sea is ours” propaganda around and it really doesn’t help, especially since it seems to imply that the entire South China Sea/West Philippine Sea is somebody’s. That’s never been the case, and it sure isn’t now, although the Philippines does have a clear claim to Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone rights extending into portions of the disputed area.
This whole thing really sticks in my craw since I was around when the Philippines created its own national defense mess by trying to extract unreasonable compensation for continued US rights to Subic Bay by trotting out the usual adolescent nationalist bluster and instead wrecked the whole arrangement and watched the US sail away in ‘92.
China’s been more aggressive ever since, and a certain recent former local president’s laughable butt-kissing safaris to China sure didn’t help.
So here we are, with China constantly and quite literally testing the waters and Uncle Kano trying to clean up the self-inflicted wounds amid a new and quite different spasm of nationalist bluster.
But hey, there’s still a shitty little “hands that freed the nation” monument beside the bay in front of the former US HQ.
Some folks never did get that “be careful what you wish for” memo.
I totally agree with you on this, DS. China’s escalation with its water cannon attacks on fishing and supply boats can’t lead to anything good.
Every time I walk around SBMA, I think about how foolish and shortsighted the government was in chasing off their protector. The situation would likely be much different if the Navy were still parked in Subic and the Air Force were ready for action at Clark.
Ha! I was looking at the statue the other day. I guess now it could be interpreted as “please come back.” The people seem to be waking up to their peril now, and I sense a growing nationalistic fervor. Hopefully, it’s not too late.