Play it again

I’m not exactly sure how yesterday ended, but I woke up this morning in my bed. Wearing my clothes. That’s a first for me. I checked my phone for any photos that might provide some evidence or explanation, but I only took one picture all night:

Joy jawing a banana walnut muffin

I remembered doing the feeding at Hideaway. Lasagna, lumpia, and pizza. I also remember buying a drink for all the girls. And getting some free drinks. Then it all gets a little fuzzy. I messaged Joy to see if I had misbehaved, and she just confirmed I was drunk. She also reminded me that I had danced with her (country swing) and made her dizzy. I was the only customer, so at least no one witnessed my tomfoolery. I’m not sure how much my bar tab was last night, but it must have been around 3000 pesos.

Aha! I just checked my wallet and found another piece of evidence.

I ended my night at Wet Spot. 360 pesos is the price of two gin and sodas the way I drink them (90 for gin, 90 for the can of soda water).

Anyway, I made it home without apparent incident and will strive to be more restrained in my future imbibing.

The other productive part of my day involved the 7K trek with the Wednesday Walkers. We dual purposed the hike as a scouting expedition for the February 6 Hash that I’ll be a co-Hareing with Ed. Today we went out and finalized the long portion of the trail.

Geez, that’s a crappy group photo.
The view from the ‘hood
Heading for the sticks
Laundry time in the creek bed
Cookie delivery to one of the kids at the creek
Gen monkeying around
My mountain friend Olivia and her grandson. I don’t envy whoever it is that has to haul that water all the way up here.
My other mountain friend
We scouted a new trail down to the valley and encountered a small cluster of houses along the way
New customers for my cookies, but I doubt I’ll use this trail much in the future; it was a bitch getting down
Just passin’ through
More kids at the bottom
Valley walkers
A fellow valley walker
The fields lay fallow
Well done!
Homeward bound
The route we walked

You can Relive it here:

And there you have it, another day in the life posted for my lucky few readers. Thanks for joining me.

4 thoughts on “Play it again

  1. Just a tip if you get squiffy and feel like Darth Vader’s armpit the following morning: plants. Eat garlic, lentils, leaves, throw in olives for taste, add whatever you like, nothing cooked, go raw and try to get up to 15 different plant sources by lunch, a feat much easier than you’d think from thinking. Especially the garlic. Also, if you’ve got them, B vitamins, omega 3, zinc, and of course NO COFFEE.

  2. I could’ve sworn I left a comment, but maybe I dreamed it. Anyway, nice walk, and that carabao looks as if it’s being pulled.

  3. Dan, thanks for the tips. I actually don’t normally experience hangover symptoms after a night of overindulgence, but now I’ll be prepared for the next time.

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