Another day of liquification, but what goes in you must come out. It’s a shitty situation, but this too shall pass. It will be good to feel solid again. But enough of that crap, let’s focus on the positive.
Kicked off the morning with the Sweet Saturday walk. Neighbors Martin and Joss asked to come along, and the more, the merrier. They seemed to enjoy it. As we entered the first neighborhood, we saw a baboy transitioning to lechon.

I’ve eaten lechon many times, but seeing how this one was being roasted was interesting. The fire surrounds the pig and generates the heat, but the meat is not directly over the fire. There was a man behind that barrier in the back, cranking the skewering pole in rotisserie fashion. Hard work for a good meal.

Later in the day, we walked into town for a change of scenery.

We did our nightcap at Green Room. Waitress Chu challenged me to a game of pool, and feeling a tad bored, I accepted. She was leading in the first game but then scratched on the 8-ball, giving me a backdoor victory. Chu wanted a rematch, and I granted her wish. I actually played better than expected, and we were both down to the 8-ball at the end. She shot and missed. I didn’t.

One of the side effects of whatever it is that is ailing me is feeling fatigued. Even though it was Saturday night, I was over and done with it at 7:30. That’s early, even by my low standards.

Today’s journey through the LTG archives brought me to a post from October 2005. I’d just returned from an excursion to Phoenix, Arizona, for some work-related training. It was apparently quite the trip. When the session ended, I rented a car and drove through the Mojave desert. Then, I stopped in Laughlin, Nevada, for some gambling at the blackjack tables. On the way back to Phoenix, I crossed the border at Yuma and had some fun in Mexico. But here’s the thing: until I read that post, I had absolutely no recollection of that trip whatsoever. That freaks me out some, but it’s good to know this blog serves some purpose if only to remind me of things I’ve done. That makes the post worthy of a tag in The Story of My Life.
On this day in history via Facebook memories:

And then, six years ago, this guy came into my life:

My neck is sore from simultaneously laughing and shaking my head at the bullshit stuff my lefty friends have been posting on Facebook. Of course, I counter with my own memes to drive them even crazier.

Today’s YouTube video shares mistakes expats make in the Philippines and tells how to avoid them. Common sense ain’t real common in these parts. Yeah, I’ve had my share of fuckups, too.
Laughter is the best medicine. Here’s your daily dose:

I’m sure you’ve had enough of this nonsense for now, so I’ll let it be. Until next time.
The Joe Biden proves at least that there is one person with common sense and decency in the country. If you meet them, shake their hand!
The fire surrounds the pig and generates the heat, but the meat is not directly over the fire.
This is familiar to people who barbecue in the States, where it’s called “indirect heat.” It’s how you cook large chunks of meat like a big brisket, or even smaller bits of protein like chicken or burgers. Less chance of huge, burned areas on your food.
WTF is that all about? Never seen anything like it here before. (No foreigners in this poor village)
What’s this? Someone who made a joke that’s harder to understand than one of yours?? Impossible!
Ralph made it to 85, so well done, sir.
I’m guessing that’s a pic from well before he was 85. Unless he was naturally one of those people who look 60 even when they’re 90. What photo will you use for your own banner? A black-and-white one from yesteryear?
Chu wanted a rematch, and I granted her wish. I actually played better than expected, and we were both down to the 8-ball at the end. She shot and missed. I didn’t.
Was this your first time ever winning against Chu? Congrats if so.
As usual, this seems to have been a nice walk and evening out. I hope you get over the fatigue and the intestinal distress. You’ve lived in the PI too long to be taken down by the usual stuff that normally takes down unwary tourists… any chance you’ll see a doctor about it? Fatigue + diarrhea = what, exactly?
Aye, the vast majority of the world misses Joe Biden now.
During my travels, if I got a case of the “walk fasts”, I would go on a plain rice-only diet for a day or two and rehydration with some sort of sports drink.
Most medicines (Imodium, etc.) only treat the symptoms and not the underlying problems, so never did want to take those.
Anyway, the above worked for me pretty much 100% of the time.
beeswax, the majority of Americans are ecstatic with this outcome.
Brian, thanks for the suggestions. I tend to just let it “runs” its course. I don’t eat rice during the best of times, but my appetite has been diminished somewhat. I’m feeling a little better this morning.
Kev, I don’t have much experience cooking with an open flame (other than hotdogs or marshmallows on a stick), but I can see how that makes sense.
I’m not sure it was a joke. I suspect the village idiot.
No idea what photo someone will choose for my funeral banner (assuming I even have one), but one thing I’m sure about: it won’t matter to me!
Yeah, I think that pool victory was the first against Chu. Not that it matters to either of us. Just a way for me to pass the time and for her to earn a lady drink.
I have no idea what’s causing the intestinal distress, but as you say, it’s unlikely something I ate or drank as I’ve built up immunity over the years. I’m feeling somewhat better now, so hopefully, this has passed, and I’ll return to solidity.
Love yourself sense of humor, Trevor. Biden may be the most indecent and corrupt person in the history of the presidency. Don’t leave him alone with your kids!