Party Time

I’m the first to admit that when it comes to photography I’m not particularly skilled. Mix in a few beers, and I take pictures like I play pool. But a promise is a promise, so here are some shots from the Independence Day gathering in my humble abode…..

Our primary purpose was to honor Old Glory. Here she hangs proudly from a balcony in Seoul. Many, many toasts were raised to our homeland far away….

My buddy Robert cutting the cheese….

Ribs on the grill. We had way too much food, I sent everyone home with hamburgers and other assorted leftovers….

“Sister”, Corine, and Mi Kwong sample the shrimp. Sister, Mi Kwong, and Mi Soon run Sweet Caroline’s, a bar most of the guests at this party frequent now and again (mostly again). I know Sister has a Korean name, but we never use it as she is the oldest. We call her sister as a term of respect

In a new twist on the traditional American 4th of July fare, Mi Soon has kimchi and bean paste with her baked potatoe (and eating on the floor Korean style)….

Jim explains to Mi Kwong and Corine what he would do if he could get his hands on Kim Jung Il’s neck. Or not.

Kelly works for the Public Affairs Office and was technically on duty. He came by to document our celebration (and eat) before heading back to post to photograph the Army band and fireworks display….

Robert was feeling like a lucky man….

Corine and Mi Soon demonstrate that the US-ROK alliance is as strong as ever….

Mi Kwong visits the designated smoking area. I threatened to send this photo to her mother, but when she told me that would not be a good thing I relented. Instead I am posting it on the Internet!

Somehow I failed to get a good picture of Vance. That’s him on the left. It was funny, we both were wearing the same Independence Day t-shirt (different colors). As he noted, when everyone buys their clothes at the PX we all have the same fashion sense….

Ok, here’s one of me with my “little brother” Robert.

Anyway, it was a fun time. It was nice hosting a houseful of soldiers for a little taste of America. Not the same as being home of course, but we did the best we could.

7 thoughts on “Party Time

  1. Pingback: Mudville Gazette

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  3. Looks like a nice get together at your place. You certainly made yourself at home away from home quickly! Glad to see you carved out a niche for yourself.

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  5. Pingback: Yankee Doodle Dandy | Long Time Gone

  6. Pingback: Party time! | Long Time Gone

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