Party fourth!

Yesterday’s rooftop gathering in honor of the declaration of our independence from King George III on July 4, 1776, was a huge success. It was by far the largest party I’ve ever hosted, with upwards of fifty participants over the course of the evening. There was lots of food and plenty of cold beverages, most of them containing alcohol. And naturally, this being the Philippines, karaoke amongst the female attendees broke out early in the event. I did sing “The Battle of New Orleans” to honor my British next-door neighbor. We didn’t have a parade, but that didn’t stop us from getting rained on. I’d been watching the weather forecast, which called for a 20% possibility of “light showers.” We could see the clouds building up throughout the evening hours and saw some rain on the horizon. Around 8 p.m., it was our turn. And it was a heavy, wind-blown downpour. We scurried around, turning off the electronics and ferrying some of the perishable foods downstairs. There wasn’t room under the roof for everyone, and even those fortunates couldn’t escape the wet wind. The women folk retreated downstairs, and some guests called it a night. Luckily, the rain didn’t last long, and the hardy attendees continued to party. I had my first beer at 3:30 and my final just before ten when the last of the guests departed. Here are some photos documenting the good times:

Welcome to the party!
It’s all happening here
All set up and ready to go. As the night went on, we used every available chair and brought up more from the basement
Flags flapping in the breeze
The mostly empty food table
The sky at the start
Me with the first two guests to arrive
The loaded food table.

What’s on it? Well, here you go:

A birthday cake
Grilled baby back ribs
Hamburger patties
Filipino-style ribs
Grilled sausage
Chili con carne
Baked beans. These were the best I’ve ever tasted.
Potato salad
Fruit salad
Cornbread muffins
Let’s eat!
Welcome to the party
Just getting started
And in full swing
The parking lot out front
Looks like trouble on the horizon
Just before the rain
Waterlogged flags
Ashley was a talented singer
Dance to the music

So, it appeared everyone had a good time and enjoyed the celebration. Thanks for coming!

Plenty of leftovers I’ve been enjoying today.

Like these burgers

It was a long day, prepping and partying. I’m feeling it today and haven’t done jack shit other than snacking, napping, and writing this post. I do plan to attend the SOB this evening, though.

The morning after

Facebook memories took me back six years when my runaway Buddy was rescued:

How or why he was lost in this pond is beyond me. I’m just glad a trike driver spotted Buddy and helped rescue him.

Four years ago, this scamdemic idiocy was in full swing:

This is Cheap Charlies. Those plastic curtains are definitely gonna stop a COVID spread. It was stupid then, and given what we’ve since learned, just plain evil.
Yep, it is insane that Orwell fiction has become a “how to” manual. And that people are stupid enough to play along.

On YouTube today, Reekay compares grocery prices between the Philippines and the USA. Some things are cheaper, and some are a lot more expensive. Some imports are so expensive (like cheese) that I won’t buy them out of principle.

Are these funny?

Keep the change
It’s not the meat, it’s the motion
I’m not your goddamn ATM, and I’ve got the t-shirt to prove it!

8 thoughts on “Party fourth!

  1. Looks to have been a good celebration. Happy post-Fourth, and happy recovering from all the partying!

  2. Oh, yeah—about setting up an RSS feed, I found this for WordPress:

    1. From your WordPress dashboard menu, select Appearance.
    2. Go to the Widget section. Here, you’ll see the RSS widget.
    3. Go to the Widget area.
    4. Add your RSS URL to the widget.
    5. Click Done and save your changes once you complete these actions.

    The “RSS URL” would be “”

    Assuming your blogging service is WordPress.

    You can also set up a feed for my main blog (BigHominid), too.

  3. Ah—I scrolled to the bottom of your blog and saw: “Proudly powered by WordPress.”

    Well, there you go!

  4. Looks like it was a great party! Nice job!! Hope the post party recovery goes as well as the party itself.

    On another note, not that anybody really follows it or cares, but officially, the Continental Congress declared its freedom from Great Britain on July 2, 1776, when it voted to approve a resolution submitted by delegate Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, declaring “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

    John Adams was a firm believer that US independence day was/is July 2nd.

  5. Brian, I do declare! Interesting history, I guess the July 4th declaration just formalized the decision to tell the King to fuck off. I’m not sure I can handle two parties in one week, though…

  6. Kev, I followed your widget instructions and successfully added your RSS URL for kevinswalk8. Not bad for a techno-peasant! Thanks!

  7. Well, they weren’t my instructions, but I’m glad everything worked out. Do you know where to go to see your updates?

    (That’s not a rhetorical question. I don’t know anything about how WordPress works. Maybe the updates simply appear on your blog-admin dashboard…? That’s how it works for me as a Blogger user.)

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