Not much, but better than nothing

I survived another Hash, so there’s that. I did the 4K short trail with only one hill but walked to the start from my house for an extra 2K. The long trail went to the top of Kalaklan Ridge, and I’m glad I avoided that experience. The hill I did was maybe half that climb, and it pretty much kicked my ass. On a more positive note, I was able to defeat that voice in my head trying to get me to wimp out again. I don’t know what the future holds, but it was good to see that I can still push myself to the top of a moderate hillclimb. I do seem to be feeling my age lately. I was going to say, “This too shall pass,” but thought better of it once I considered the alternative to getting older. I may be slowing down some, but I ain’t dead yet. I’m going to keep trying to make the best of whatever the future may bring.

Swan prepared a pre-Hash meal for me that I really enjoyed. That girl loves to cook!

Swan-style ribs
I had casually mentioned craving a baked potato, and this is what I got. Damn, it was good!
Lunch on a plate. Those veggies in a balsamic vinegar sauce were also delicious.

Fueled up and ready to Hash!

The On-Home was at Leech My Nuggets’ place here in Alta Vista. So, I walked by the finish when I was just getting started.
On the highway heading for the start, I spied these Hashers following me
Gathering at the trailhead
Pubic Head provides last-minute guidance to the Hashers
And we are On-On!
The first and only sweets delivery. Just didn’t see any other kids yesterday
The first part of the short trail was a street walk
They went thataway
Let the climbing commence!
Tung ‘n Groove looks like I was feeling at this point in the climb
But every step is one step closer to the top!
Things flattened out when we hit the woods
And then we intersected with the familiar My Bitch trail
It’s the grassy season
Back in Alta Vista and one of the long trail runners passed me.
Rest and relaxation at the On-Home. Oh, and beer.
Me and Blow My Pipe model this year’s versions of the anniversary Hash shirt
Circle up!
Congrats to Pubic Head for completing 1000 runs with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. He did his first way back in 2004. Leech My Nuggets was recognized for his 400th run.
The long and short of it.

I won’t make it to 1000 runs like Pubic Head (he had a big head start), but I’d like to make it to 500 someday. We shall see.

I went home at the end of the Hash circle (they were out of beer anyway) and Swan had dinner ready for me.

Spaghetti and garlic bread. Does it get more carby than that?

This may be my favorite of the cat-eating memes so far:

That boy has a mouthful of pussy!

Today’s YouTube video is a vlogger’s review of BarCelona. The bar is for sale at a reasonable price and it’s a fun fantasy to imagine having my very own beer joint, but I’m sober enough to know it’s not a good idea for me. The video really shows how nice the place is. All it needs is an elevator!

Maybe these are funny:

I’ve reached that stage in my relationship with Swan where I can share what’s inside of me. She keeps a can of deodorizer on the nightstand.
That’s about par for the course
Nice legs, though!

I had my echocardiogram today but haven’t seen the results yet. From what I understand, one of the three arteries feeding the left side of my heart isn’t functioning properly. I don’t know what the implications are or what fixes are possible. I need to have a doctor explain the way ahead. I’ll have more on this when I know it. I’m staying home tonight to contemplate life at The Rite Spot.

2 thoughts on “Not much, but better than nothing

  1. Good for you re: not giving up! And good luck as the doc explains whatever might be going on with your coronary artery. Will you be taking a stress test?

  2. Yes, the person doing the ECG talked about a “treadmill,” so I think that might be the next step. Of course, every f’n hill I try to climb these days feels pretty stressful…

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