Well, maybe a giggle. But a yard-long Snickers?

That was the most exciting thing that happened on my weekly shopping excursion to Royal.
Later, Swan and I walked to Baloy and hung out on the Kokomo floating bar for a bit.

I’ll leave it at that for now. The neighbors are gathering at The Rite Spot this evening. Chili is brewing in the crockpot. We’ll also be celebrating my helper Inday’s 30th birthday.
The Quora answer I shared yesterday was from a couple of years ago. Somehow, I forgot back then that there were twelve inches in a foot. That answer had over two thousand views, and no one mentioned my mistaken ways. When I posted it here, I still managed to overlook the fact that my answer was embarrassingly wrong. My commenters set me straight on that right away, and I thank you all for that. Of course, the icing on the cake of stupidity was my linking to a webpage about erroneous usage of apostrophes while making the exact same error it was referring to in the paragraph above. Is this my Karma for mocking Biden?

Okay, let’s try the Quora Q&A again and see if I get it right this time:
Q: What is the right time to call HR?
A: During business hours.
As a retired human resources professional, I am confident I am correct on this issue and stand firmly behind my answer.
The joke is not always on me, so here are today’s offerings:

I skipped the hike today. Here’s hoping I feel better about things tomorrow.
With all of the pics you now take of Swan, she has to know you’ve got a blog. No? Are you actively keeping the blog a secret? I think this may well be the healthiest relationship you’ve been in since you moved to the PI, but the unnecessary keeping of secrets can be corrosive.
I’m pretty sure I’d suffer a second stroke if I tried eating my way through a yard-long Snickers bar. Yikes.
Yeah, regarding that high-heels thing: I assumed you were thinking “ten inches to a foot” or something metric like that. It happens.
Nice sunset pics. Good luck with the gathering. The people want pics of the chili!
Kev, Swan knows I have a blog, but she has never asked to see it, and I don’t think she has read it on her own. I’m probably not as open to sharing my thoughts and feelings about her here now, but I don’t have anything negative to say. She’s been like a dream come true for the most part.
Yeah, I must have been doing the math in metrics, but still, it was a silly mistake. A good reminder to think before I write…not that that would make much difference these days.
Re: I think it is okay to not actively tell Swan about your blog. Oversharing in a relationship is not necessarily a good thing either IMO.
Anyway, glad that things are going well with Swan. I think you have known each other long enough so that any red flags would have already surfaced.
Brian, I wouldn’t lie to Swan, but I also won’t share things that are better left unsaid. Of course, given my history, I’m probably the biggest red flag in the relationship. I’m going to do my best to avoid the mistakes I’ve made in the past, but there must be a whole universe of possible fuck-ups left to be discovered. Anyway, so far, so good.