But enough is enough, and I’m thankful for that. Even by my low standards, nothing about yesterday was particularly noteworthy, but it was still another link in this chain we call life. A morning walk with Swan handing out candies to the kiddies we encountered kicked things off, and an uneventful bar crawl to end the day. Isn’t that the story of my life?

Erik, a hiking buddy, tagged along for my evening bar crawl. One beer at Sloppy Joe’s, one at Cheap Charlies, and three more at Oasis (Swan joined us there). Then we crossed the highway and had some dinner at Mylene’s. We went international–carbonara for Swan, tacos for Erik, and a chicken burger for me. Everyone professed to have enjoyed the meal. We did our nightcap and Wet Spot, then bid farewell to Erik and triked on home.
See, I told you the day was nothing special. But to give this post a semblance of substance, let me share this video about the US Navy bringing a tanker full of weapons grade fuel for storage at Subic. Why, it’s almost as if someone is preparing for the outbreak of war. But with who? Oh, about those elections in Taiwan–China ain’t pleased.
One of my favorite vloggers posted some advice to avoid losing your Filipina girlfriend.
A commenter accused me of being a lefty and cited this photo of my insurrection at the US Embassy in Seoul as evidence:

Today’s joke is on fire:

A normal day, but with some do-gooding included.
I always assumed the pronunciation was “bah-rahng-guy.” In most other languages, there’s never a reason to assume an “a” will be pronounced “ey.” That’s pretty much just an anglophone thing.
Every day is Halloween when McCrarey is in town!
Probably wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt under that suit Lefty. I’m certain the general contacted military intelligence after seeing the photo. Star Palace under surveillance.
Peace Out!
Catch me if you can!
There was a bar in Itaewon (can’t remember the name now) where the waitresses wore Che t-shirts as a uniform. I never went back.
Yeah, your pronunciation is a lot closer than mine was. I’m sure I’m mispronouncing other words/names as well. Oh well. I know what I mean!
Pretty sure that fuel came from Hawaii, where the Navy was forced to start shutting down massive underground storage tanks at Red Hill (near Pearl Harbor) after high-profile leaks and spills contaminated a major drinking water aquifer, sickened many military families, and outraged locals.
Ah, okay, Drain. That makes sense. I’m glad it is not going to waste, and the Pearl families will get some relief.