A day in the life…
Woke up to heavy rain again. Oldtimers here tell me this is the wettest rainy season they’ve seen in years. Perhaps one day years hence I’ll be holding court in the bar talking about the summer rains of ’18. Manila has massive flooding (some 50,000+ displaced) but so far we’ve weathered the weather pretty well this go round in Olongapo. Fingers crossed.
For me the worst part of the rain is that it curtails my walking. Less than 5,000 steps yesterday. Of course, that’s on me and my inherent laziness. I could get off my ass and get wet (like I did for the Hash), but I’ve been using the weather as an excuse to take a nap instead.
I’ve also been blowing off my dietary discipline, consuming carbs and sweets like I did as a fat man. So far at least I’ve managed to keep the scale under 200 pounds, but given my recent lack of exercise I know that won’t last. I’ll get back on the wagon. One day soon.
In light of the morning rain I had breakfast at home. Fresh baked brownies. Damn, they were good! And gone before I could stop myself.
After my nap I headed out to Alley Cats for the dart tourney. I’m still inconsistent, but throwing much better overall these days. Took a second place. The highlight of the afternoon was throwing a 141 out (triple 19, triple 20, double 14) to beat my arch rival. That’s a pretty incredible throw for a non-professional like me. Hey, better to be lucky than good, right? Anyway, that really made my day!
Came back home after darts (around 5:00 pm) and baked up some cornbread to go with the pork roast I’d been cooking in the crockpot.

Still not happy with the meat I’ve been buying. This pork loin roast slow cooked for over 8 hours but was still tough and hard to pull apart. Hence the sacrilege of serving pulled pork BBQ with a fucking steak knife. Ah well, it did in fact taste good, so there’s that.
After eating I was sleepy. I had planned to go back out for a few beers, but it was raining hard and I said fuck it. I was in bed at 8 o’clock. And of course, wide awake at 2:00 a.m.
As you can see, it’s an exciting life I’m living. And it’s good to remember just how much worse it could be.

That was me one year ago drinking $7. beers alone in Anjeong-ri. Now, my beers are a buck a pop and I have lots of friendly folks drinking with me (on my tab of course).
Anyway, it’s all just part of the continuing journey. Excited to find out what’s going to happen next. Stay tuned!
I have no way of knowing how the pork tastes, but it looks pretty damn good.
It was indeed tasty, just not tender…
And one day when you are holding court and telling tales of yesteryear you’ll be getting to the bar via personal hovercraft and all your sexual needs will be met via virtual reality club girls. The future is so bright you have to wear shades my friend. Peace out!
Here’s to hoping so Soju…