Until next week. We are heading out to La Union for the weekend to participate in the LUH3 2000th Hash run. Getting out of town for a couple of days will be nice.
The last day in Barretto went down like this: a solo walk to Waltermart and beyond, a visit to Dr. Jo for chelation treatment, dinner at Jewel Cafe, beers at Cheap Charlies, and a nightcap at Green Room.
At 1.6-kilometer intervals, the walk looked like this;

So, 6.4 kilometers found me on the river in Mangan-Vaca, and I celebrated by making a video of the riverwalk.
Damn, I need to do something about that cough. Sorry!

I walked another kilometer down the highway and passed a trike stand in Calapandayan. A trike driver shouted out, offering me a ride. I was going to shrug him off, but he somehow knew I lied in Alta Vista. Damn, I never catch trikes in this area, how did he know that? Upon reflection, I surmise he must have taken Swan and me home from the Subic Marketplace sometime in the past. Anyway, I accepted his offer to drive me home.

Next up was the visit to Dr. Jo.

Anyhoo, the chelation treatment was just an injection this time. Next week will be the IV drip. I asked if there were ways to measure the effectiveness of the stuff pumping in my veins, and Dr. Jo said my significantly reduced blood pressure was a good indicator that it was working. In another month or so, I’ll do the lab work to see if my blood sugar has diminished.
After my appointment concluded, we walked up the highway for an early dinner at Jewel.

Then, we were off to the seldom-visited Cheap Charlies.

Some of the Hash gang dropped in while we were there.

We crossed the highway (always the most dangerous part of my day, especially in the dark and after a few beers) and enjoyed our nightcap at Green Room (I had another buy one, get one coupon to spend).

And then I had another moment of weakness. The Sit-n-Bull waitress came by, and I asked if pecan pie was in stock. It was, and I took a slice home with me. And, of course, I smothered it in ice cream.

Will I ever learn? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll probably declare my weekend out of town “cheat days.”
Some memories from this day in history courtesy of Facebook:

My ride to La Union is on the way, so I need to finish this quick. Let’s do Mikey for our YouTube today:
I hope I haven’t posted that before. Oh well, still worth three minutes to see it again. Some humor before I go:

Alright, time for me to hit the road. I’ll see you from La Union!
Good walk. I was sad to see the pic of the teen who died. Congrats on the lower BP. May the trend continue.
I didn’t eat the shell, though.
But did you eat that incongruous sprig of parsley?
I see that pecan pie is your kryptonite. Hoo, boy.
Scott Baio! He’s one of the few Hollywood conservatives.
Oh, and good luck at La Union, both for the Hash and the weekend.
Re: Video – nice walk. Reminds me of walking along the canals in BKK. Looks like there are steps cut into the wall in case you fall in? I assume that is how you would get out, but if you have a broken leg or two, not so easy. LOL
You always seem to get in a lot of steps, regardless of whether or not you do an “official” walk or not. I guess just the walks to/from town add up. Kudos to you.
I know this has been mentioned in past, but I would think that Fitbit would be a bit more accurate in the calorie count. Everything I have read says that a person burns about 100 cal/mile when walking, while your app shows about 350 cal/mile. Just weird that it would be that far off. It would be interesting to see how they are calculating calories.
Brian, yeah, those steps that I’ve seen are all on the other side of the river. Hope I never have to use them!
I live about a kilometer from town, do a morning dog walk, and then a me walk. It all adds up.
I don’t know about the Fitbit calorie count, either. I assume it includes the normal burn as the baseline and then adds in the exercise count. The important number is intake, and if I can stay under 2000 a day, I should be okay.
Kev, nope, no parsley for me. No idea what the hell it was doing on top of a taco!
Well, pecan pie is hard to resist, so I’m lucky it is hard to find in these parts. A small slice was 250 pesos, which should help me avoid future over-indulgence.
Yeah, it is always nice to see someone like Baio who is not part of the Hollywood hivemind. That video always cracks me up.