More Sunday sweetness

It seems that the more candy we bring, the more kids we encounter. Yesterday, we maxed out our carrying capacity but still had to shorten the Candy Walk when we ran out of goodies. Maybe I need to buy a bigger backpack.

A girl on a mission
A sea of grass
The Easter Mountain view
A beautiful morning for a sweet walk
Avoiding the water hazard
Getting down to business
It groves on you
Tending the lawn outside the chapel in Marian Hills
One kid brought a wheel barrel for her candy. The little boy in the black shirt is Jason, the kid Swan helped enroll in school. He asked for 100 pesos for lunch money, and I gave it to him. I somehow avoided Facebook jail when I posted the naked pussy in this photo.
Another regular stop
Line up!
We ran into the Hares for today’s Hash out marking the trail
A lakefront residence
Swan is the most popular gal in town, at least on Sunday mornings.
A quiet street scene in San Isidro. Where is everyone?
Oh, there they are!
As I suspected, the temporary bridge will not be maintained now that the new bridge has opened.
But while it lasts, that bridge has created a popular swimming hole for the locals.
And a fishing hole
The river swimmers besieged Swan, and this is where the day’s supply of candy ran out.
Without the final loop, we finished at just under 5K

Next up on the Sunday agenda was the Hideaway feeding.

A stop at Jewel Cafe to fill the food requests from the Hideaway girls.
  • 1- breaded breast chicken with steamed veggies and fries
  • 1-sisig with rice
  • 1-garlic prawns with rice
  • 1-longasilog
  • 1-tapasilog
  • 1 five-piece chicken wings (crispy)
I always leave a tip for the Jewel crew: cookies, lollipops, and coins. I also give the gal who delivers the order 100 pesos for her trouble.

Owner Griff was there yesterday, along with a couple of other customers. That always improves the vibe. Some good music videos also helped pass the time enjoyably.

The dessert selections I provided
The food arrives
The girls say their thanks and grab their boxes
And the chowing down commences

See you all next week! Next up, John’s Place.

The usual view from our third floor perch

John was relaxing in his recliner on the second floor when we arrived and departed. His headphones were on, so we just nodded our hellos and goodbyes.

I was craving me some pulled pork. John’s is still the best in town.
Swan went with the chicken chow mien and said it was good.
I’ve found it is easier to take a photo of the receipt and itemize expenses later.
The sundown view from John’s

We made Wet Spot our nightcap venue and enjoyed spending time with Irene and Beth, who is also a Hasher. Another wine, a couple more beers, and some lady drinks to close out our Sunday.

In over six years of residence, this is the first time I actually paid attention to my Wet Spot receipt. I get a 10% Hash discount on my drinks, but I never knew about the 18% VAT. I checked the math and saw that the VAT is included in the price of the drink, but it is just separated out on the bill to keep the taxman happy.

So, here’s how Sunday added up:

  • Dinner: 790 pesos
  • Alcohol: 1300 pesos
  • Tips: 340 pesos
  • Lady Drinks: 990 pesos
  • Trike: 200 pesos
  • Charity: 2300 pesos
  • Trash Collection: 100 pesos
  • Total for October 6: 6000

The charity expense includes the food from Jewel and also the 1000 pesos I give Joy (a single mother of two) each week to help her keep the kids in school and pay the bills.

I saw this short video of a Trump-hater in action this morning and it reminded me that Karma is a beautiful thing.

And it was also a reminder of this:

Today’s YouTube video left me shaking my head and saying wow repeatedly. The nightmare of being a homeless and destitute foreigner, the poor living conditions of the typical Filipino, and the good heart and generosity given to help a stranger in need are all on display. Yeah, I’m living a rich life here and will do all in my power to ensure that is always the case, but it is good to remember that many others are not so fortunate. It puts my meager charity budget in perspective, that’s for sure.

And now a dose of humor:

Damn, don’t be so hard on the guy!
Back in the day, it seemed like all the girls were checking out my butt. I’d overhear them saying, “What an ass!”
I’m still on my high horse

So, here it is, another Hash Monday, and the trail awaits. I’ll let y’all know how that works out for me tomorrow. Swan will be joining the fun today, so that will be nice.

I’m not sure how it came to pass that I’ve never heard this song before today. Or maybe I just forgot about it.

10 thoughts on “More Sunday sweetness

  1. Maybe I need to buy a bigger backpack.

    I think you’ve mentioned that the ambient heat doesn’t seem to melt the chocolates and other sweets, but is that also true for backpacks and other things held against the body? No body heat gets conducted into the candies?

    Maybe you’re both undead.

    It groves on you

    Is she usually that far ahead?

    The river swimmers besieged Swan, and this is where the day’s supply of candy ran out.

    Are these people normally a part of the rounds?

    I was craving me some pulled pork. John’s is still the best in town.

    Looks good!

    Swan went with the chicken chow mien and said it was good.

    chow mein

    I hope today’s Hash went well.

  2. It looks like some of those kids could use aftershave and deodorant instead of candy, John. I used to sometimes wear cheap and nasty cologne to hide the smell of booze. I mean like shitty Dollar Store stuff that smells like rubbing alcohol; Brït, Channel for Men, Jewp, Tommy Pullmyfinger, Calvin Climb. Those terrible/wonderful off-brands no one but 8 year olds and crackheads think smell nice.

    I remember back in 2017 I worked at a sports bar and usually did late(r) shifts but one day I had to go in early because the place had won an award from the city or something, so they needed everyone in for a photographer to take pictures of us holding the award.

    I struggle with morning shifts even during sober periods, but I’d gone heavy the night before and woke up late. Didn’t have time to gradually get lubed and have a shower, brush my teeth, the whole routine to look, smell, and seem normal etc. Just crushed a few beers as I was rushing, had some shots, washed my face and… had the brilliant idea of emptying the remains of a bottle of cheap ass cologne over my head, to cover the stink of ass and booze. The bottle was like a quarter full.

    Dashed out of the house to get a taxi into work before I was (too) late.

    Because I was oblivious in my rush, a little bit drunk, and because I have a notoriously poor sense of smell (smoker who grew up in a smoking household), it wasn’t until I was posing for the group photo in-between other staff that it hit me: I fucking reeked of shitty cologne. Like, it was starting to make my eyes water, and I noticed colleagues making faces or turning away for gulps of air between photos. I knew with complete certainty everybody knew it was me – I was late, and I was the only full time male waiter there – but I tried to pretend I didn’t notice anything, even when I spoke to coworkers and my eyes were pooling with moisture.

    Think I might have blown my chances with a couple of the barmaids that day.

  3. DS, yeah, stupid mistake. And there I was, worried about spelling “barrel” correctly. Technically, a “barrow” is a castrated male pig. Unless you put a wheel on it…

  4. Good to hear from you again, Thompson. Enjoyed your memories of cheap cologne. I’ve also lost my ability to smell, but your co-workers reaction reminds me of the looks I get when I let loose a fart. The blessing is not having to smell my own creation!

    How are things with the girlfriend?

    I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.
    Hunter S. Thompson

  5. Kev, as far as I know, melting has not been a problem. The candy in the backpacks is still in the bag. Also, these are local brands, so I expect they are made in a way that accommodates the native heat. It’s not pure chocolate, like a Snickers or Milky Way.

    No, Swan is not usually that far ahead…I had just taken a pee break.

    We’ve made a stop at the riverside the last couple of trips, but this week there were A LOT more folks enjoying the water. People had set up a tent and tables, food was grilling, and the party was on! Nice to see.

    Re: chow mein. But what about that “i before e except after c” thing? What’s hilarious is that I had originally spelled it right, but the spellcheck red underline said I was wrong (it’s doing it again now in this comment), so I changed it. Not this time, though!

  6. Learn the rules and stop trusting the computer. I keep saying this, and you keep stubbornly, lazily not doing it. Ignorant and apathetic, right? It’s never too late to make an effort.

  7. I’ve been doing my best to hold off on correcting mistakes I see unless they impede my reading, so it’s up to others, now, to point things like “wheel barrel” out. (Probably a “spelling phonetically” mistake. And as a fan of Lord of the Rings, you surely remember the Barrow-wights from the books. See barrow2 here.)

    Be like Luke Skywalker. Put aside the computer—which is often stupid when it comes to grammar—reach back into your memories of everything your English teachers had tried to teach you, and use the Force. Fight the ignorance and the apathy. Learn.

    Retirement strikes me as a constant battle between being content (which gets easier with age as laziness sinks in) and being curious (which gets harder with age as comfortable routines take over and calcify). Stay curious. And not just about what’s inside the ladies’ panties. Curious to the end.

  8. I have to admit that I’ve always thought of it as a “wheel barrel,” sort of like how I used to pronounce “ascertain “as certain.” It was pretty embarrassing when my secretary brought the error to my attention after I had dictated a letter for her to type (yes, I am THAT old).

    You’ve seen some of my high school papers—”A” for content and “D” for grammar and punctuation. Following the rules has always been my bane, and I don’t expect old age to help. I’m making freaky mistakes now—thinking one word in my head, and my fingers writing something else. Maybe there is peace in acceptance.

    I don’t know; being content feels like a worthy goal. And you know what curiosity did to the cat. Still, I get your point, and living a full and challenging life in retirement is easier said than done. I’ll continue to strive to live the best life I can. I definitely need to do more traveling while I can.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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