More of the same

I guess I’m settling into the new normal around here and trying to make the best of it.

For my dinner last night at “Goman’s” I kept it simple–seafood chowder and Shanghai lumpia…

After dinner and beers, I visited my Speakeasy for a couple more brews before curfew. It’s weird getting home before 8:00. Now I’m in bed by 9:00 every night. I’m starting to feel like an old man.

Speaking of how I feel, I guess I’m fine. Just getting a little paranoid perhaps. Part of the issue is that I have a respiratory condition that frequently results in nasal congestion, sneezing, and sometimes coughing; usually at night after I’m in bed. So I had a coughing jag last night and got to thinking: “Oh shit, what if this isn’t my COPD?” I actually got up and took my temperature (35.6c) just to ease my mind. No coughing today so I reckon I’m good to go.

At least I’m still achieving my 20,000+ steps per day goal. And if this article is to be believed, hell, I might just live forever!

Assuming I don’t trip and fall off a cliff or something.

My other big news is that I managed to finagle a Barretto quarantine pass. Common sense would have dictated providing one from the beginning; luckily I was able to have someone intervene on my behalf to get it done. Anyway, it gives me some peace of mind when I’m outside the confines of my subdivision. It also has a Baloy address so I can venture down that way when the mood strikes me. Freedom is a beautiful thing!

Now I’ll just sit back and wait for the next big thing! Hopefully not the virus.

Ay Corona!

You gotta laugh!

UPDATE: Well, I’ve used the “More of the same” title three times previously. Back in April 2018, I was winding things down in Korea, but my life there seems eerily familiar to my current circumstances. Then, in May 2009 I was bitching about some work issues, but otherwise enjoying my Itaewon nightlife. And the first time I was experiencing more of the same here on the blog was in March 2006, year two of my Korea life. Miss those days!

4 thoughts on “More of the same

  1. Styx also did his own “My Corona” (yes, the dude sings).

    Chowder looks good. The lumpia, alas, look a wee bit over-fried. But I bet they were super-shatteringly crunchy.

    Congrats on at last obtaining the correct(?) pass. I assume this one is good for more than just a single day. You wrote that you can go where you want “when the mood strikes me,” so I’m guessing that’s a yes.

    Congrats on maintaining 20K steps. At my rate of healing, I’m never going to reach a weekly step average of 1.0 McCrareys. I think I’m doomed to a life of walking, at most, every other day, except for whenever I do a megawalk down south. (Or up north, if I take your suggestion to start in Busan!)

  2. Yeah, the lumpia (a very popular dish here) was served up Filipino style, a bit on the crunchy side.

    It’s not technically the correct pass, but the one common sense dictates. Now that I’m walking with confidence no one has asked to see it.

    Thanks for the kudos, but we both know you can outstep me any day. Maybe not EVERY day right now while you recover, but someday once again.

  3. Your temp is actually a tad low. ALWAYS take it twice. Thermometers are like those blood pressure machines: they need a practice one before the real one. But don’t get paranoid. Lot of people suddenly jumping over to the dark side of cautious…

  4. Yeah, I am consistently low. I’ll do the double take though, I do that with blood pressure sometimes. No other symptoms though thus far.

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