Another Sunday Funday. I dropped some coin but dispelled the myth that money can’t buy happiness. We were happy putting smiles on the faces of over 200 children during our weekly Candy Walk, that’s for sure.

But I wasn’t done spending money on Joy.

And then it was time to purchase some happiness for me and my girl.

We had our nightcap at Green Room, and the largesse continued. Four of the girls received lady drinks, and everyone else received lollipops. Another gin and soda night, and I am starting to learn my non-beer boundaries. Whether that will stop me remains to be seen.
The last time we called our “regular” trike driver, he failed to show up as scheduled. So, we agreed we’d not bother calling him and just went to grab a ride at the trike stand. As fate would have it, our regular guy was first in line. A happy ending to the night for all!

Twelve years ago, I was immersed in the best times of my Korea life.

Let’s have some fun with today’s YouTube video. For some reason, I thought of this one during my visit to Hideaway Bar. I requested it be played on the big-screen TV, and everyone had a good laugh—especially the Filipinas.
That’s a good lead-in to more funny shit:

Hash Monday has arrived once more. Sadly, the trail start is midway up Rizal Extension, making it a pain in the ass to get to. I have no idea where the trail goes from there, but the Hare isn’t one of my favorites, so I have low expectations. My plan is to hike the My Bitch trail from my house, then down Rizal Ext from there. Once I arrive at the start, I’ll decide whether to do the Hare’s trail or find my own way to the On-Home at Red Bar. Check back tomorrow to see how that works out for me.
re: that first pic
Definitely looking slimmer! There’s visibly less gut. Keep up the good work.
Joy feeding
No tooth-flashing for once!
Another gin and soda night, and I am starting to learn my non-beer boundaries. Whether that will stop me remains to be seen.
Since you’re a conservative, you don’t believe in the “I can’t help myself” school of thought. Everything is decisions, not uncontrollable compulsions. So don’t leave yourself an out by saying something “remains to be seen.” That’s totally up to you.
Skipping breakfast does help with staying on the calorie budget.
You’ll eventually start to realize you don’t miss it.
I’ll be curious to read how the Hash went. And how do you determine whether to follow the original path? What if it’s flat 90% of the way, then there’s a big hill right at the end? Do you have contour maps on your phone or something?
Ah, that Dire Straits video. Back when CGI was primitive.
Re: Dire Straits video. Never played the drums or really know anything about them, but I always find it interesting that some rock drummers think that the more drums you have in your kit, the better. (ie the drum kit at the beginning of the video or someone like Neal Peart from Rush and his drum kit). Contrast that with Bun E Carlos from Cheap Trick or early Keith Moon from The Who, who both had very basic drum kits and I dont think that their bands were any worse because of it.
Re: candy walk. I think it is great what you guys are doing, but somewhat unfortunately (at least in my mind), you have been so regular in doing the candy walk that it has turned into an expectation rather than a “good deed”. I am guessing there is sometimes of a feeling of “this Sunday, I dont real feel like doing it, but the kids are expecting us……..” But hey, as long as you guys enjoy doing it
Brian, I know nothing about drumming, but the concept of simple equipment mixed with extreme talent seems like a winning formula. I don’t mind listening to AC/DC music, but I hate their videos. That cheesy guitar player hopping around in a schoolboy uniform is annoying to me. Give me Eric Clapton just standing there letting the guitar display his mastery is so much more entertaining.
Well, we still enjoy the Sunday candy walk, but it does feel like an obligation knowing that kids are expecting us and will be disappointed if we don’t show up. When we do other walks with sweets, we try to not visit the same neighborhoods regularly so the kids are always happily surprised to see us. On the other hand, we have some Sunday regulars we enjoy seeing every week, so it works out for both the givers and receivers.
Kev, glad to hear I’m showing improvement. Slow and steady wins the race!
Yeah, it is always a conscious decision I make about the amount I imbibe, but I never really counted the number of drinks; I’ve always measured by how they make me feel. I don’t want to get drunk drunk, and with beer, I can normally tell when it’s time to stop. The gin is stronger and a little trickier to gauge. Still, counting calories against the daily target adds a new element to the decision-making process–“I could go for one more, but is it worth those added calories?” Most of the time, I make the right call.
Sitting here right now, I’m feeling that familiar pang in my belly. Pre-diet, I’d get up and pour myself a big bowl of cereal. These days, I try to ignore the feeling, and it does seem to go away after a bit. If it gets too bad, I grab a dill pickle slice or two, and that seems to satisfy the craving for food.
As for shortcut decision-making, it depends. Sometimes, the Hare sends out a map, and you can make a plan beforehand. That didn’t happen yesterday, so I was on my own. As fate would have it, during my walk to the starting point, I encountered a portion of the day’s trail, so I had a good idea of what was in store. I arrived at the start three minutes late, and everyone was gone, so I just continued with a street walk. Got in 7.5K, though. No, I don’t have contour map apps to consult, but unless I’m in unfamiliar territory, I can usually find alternative routes based on past experience.
“Back when CGI was primitive”.
And you could call gay folk “faggot” in your lyrics.