
Just another wet and nasty post for your reading pleasure.

Yesterday there was a Hash “mismanagement” meeting held at Hunter’s Jo Inn in Calapadayan. Jim and I hiked out there in just a little over an hour. Pretty large turnout and some contentious moments, but we got through it. We voted to keep the Hashmobile, raise the price for the Hash to 400 pesos, and our new starting time will be at 2:00 p.m. henceforth.

I had spaghetti for lunch. It was actually quite good. Biggest serving I’ve seen though. I could only eat about half of it.

After the meeting, I wasn’t feeling up to the par. No energy and a strong case of the blahs. So, I made it an early evening and came home. I had had a sore throat the night before which affected my sleep. So I took a nap for an hour and still felt like shit when I woke up. Took my temperature and I was officially feverish at 38.9. What could these symptoms mean?

Well, we had the first reported COVID case in Barretto this week. That got my imagination going!

I took some ibuprofen for the fever and gargled some saltwater with cider vinegar for the throat. This morning my fever is gone and the soreness in my throat is on my neck, including some swelling. Not sure what’s up with that but I’m feeling reassured that I’ve dodged the COVID bullet. For now anyway.

Speaking of which, the latest in a long series of “let’s fuck with people” will be implemented new week:

First it was masks. Now face shields. I guess HAZMAT suits are on the horizon.

I mentioned in an earlier post that the only way bars could reopen was if they sold food. That’s more or less what is happening, although only two that I know of are requiring you to order something to eat prior to getting your drink. Anyway, this cracked me up:

Funny how that works.

In other news, I saw this classic parked on the street yesterday:

If I’m not mistaken, that’s a 1969 Chevrolet Impala. Looking pretty damn good for 50 years old!

Oh, and I had forgotten that I took a photo at the Royal grocery store while shopping on Tuesday. Tillamook is the best ice cream available, much richer and creamier than the local brands. Definitely my favorite.

But as much as I like it I can’t bring myself to spend almost ten bucks for a half-gallon. It used to be around $8. and I’d grit my teeth and buy it anyway. I guess those days are gone.

And that’s where things stand in my neck of the woods.

4 thoughts on “Mismanagement

  1. From your earlier comments on the hash, it seems like it is pretty well run. What were the reasons for the complaints?

  2. Yeah, it was surprisingly good spaghetti, but I don’t fear onions! That mountain of mozzarella in the middle was a little intimidating though.

    Brian, yes it is a very well run Hash but anytime you get a group together there will be naysayers. The complaints were for the most part out of the control of our leaders. We don’t have many options for the on-homes, so for now they will be at a private residence and once a month at Hunter’s Jo Inn. Some people who live on the Subic side of the river claim they can’t get to Barretto for the Hash, which is in my mind bullshit. If nothing else, there’s the back way over the mountain. Damn, we’re Hashers. With the earlier starts we are all drinking more beer and that impacts the bottom line. So there was some grumbling about raising the price but we can always lower it again when things get back to normal. The later start will help in that regard too.

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