A second place finish in darts last night. No complaints, really. We threw well, our opponents threw weller…er, better I mean. That’s the way the darts fly sometimes.
Our Friday hiking group journeyed out past Naugsol to begin a planned hike to Tibag and back. On a previous visit, we walked the highway, this time we were planning to take a riverside path. Of course, things don’t always go according to plan. Our trail led us up to the top of a small mountain, then abruptly dead-ended. I hate backtracking, but we had no choice. We eventually took a little-used trail down the mountain, and near the bottom, we ran into the trail we thought would lead us to Tibag. Alas, a couple of kilometers later it also came to a dead-end. Another retreat, then we said “fuck it” and made our way up to the highway. It was too late at this point to continue on to Tibag, so we just hiked the highway back to our vehicle. Enjoy the photos from our ill-fated adventure:

Ah, well. Tibag will be there next time. Maybe we’ll actually find a way to get there!
In the meantime, I’m considering starting a chapter of the People Encouraging Niceness In Society here in Barretto. How hard can it be?

And life goes on.
My buddy JW also claims to hate backtracking. What is with you guys? Why is backtracking such a horrible thing?
Anyway, I enjoyed the photos. Good luck finding a way to your destination next time! I expect a slew of Tibag-ing jokes next time.
Last pic looks like a reunion of these guys from Africa Addio.
(Sorry, it’s 2021 and I don’t know how to embed.)
Check out the whole documentary when you are next daytime sofa surfing.
Kevin, backtracking is a “been there, seen that” kinda thing to me. It also feels like a retreat after failing to reach an objective. Now, a planned backtrack is a different matter, but I still prefer a circular route whenever possible.
Dan, thanks for the link. That intro looked really interesting. I will give it a look next time I’m stuck on the couch for sure.
Love the third picture. To me, seems to capture the essence of the Philippines.
Alright already, I’ll say it. You can easily get to T bag at your nearest gay bath house. looks like all the ladies sat this hike out except for one lovely chica. Peace Out!
Soju, I’ll defer to your knowledge and expertise re: gay bathhouses. 🙂
Yep, not many lady folks make the hikes lately. It was good to see Preying Mantis out again, even though she brought her husband along…