Well, when you are small-minded, everything seems large. And being alive is always a big thing. So, a post about my evening on Baloy Beach and my morning dog walk is HUGE! Alright, who am I fooling? Still, it is what it is, and that’s better than nothing, so here goes.
After some internal debate about where to do my beer time, I elected to start out at the Kokomo’s floating bar. The 2K walk to get there was pretty much the extent of my exercise for the day.

Part of the reason I chose the Kokomo floater was to try and assess whether I like it better than the new Arizona floater. For example, Arizona charges me 125 pesos for a San Miguel Zero, my preferred beer. Kokomo doesn’t serve Zero (despite my repeated requests) and charges me 120 for a San Mig Light. Arizona wins that category. As for the vibe, it is still too close to call. I thought the music was too loud yesterday at Kokomo, and the playlist wasn’t really to my liking. At the Grand Opening of Arizona, I was allowed to play the music from my Spotify app and was rewarded with a couple of free beers as a thank-you gesture. Yeah, I’m leaning toward Arizona, and after the feeding tonight at Hideaway, I’ll pop in to confirm that judgment.

Oh, and I had a special guest join me during my time aboard.

When my stomach said, “Feed me,” we headed ashore and grabbed some seats at Treasure Island.

Early to home, early to bed, early to rise.

Doctor’s orders that I take it easy through tomorrow, so I bailed on the Wednesday Walkers group hike. But I wanted to get some morning exercise, so I did an elongated dog walk.

Back home and nothing much to do to fill the hours I normally hike. I watched a couple more episodes of “Shameless” and baked a cake.

I’m not sure why, but Swan wanted me to try a new look.

I always do a quick search in an attempt to avoid duplicating post titles. A week after my move here in May 2018, I wrote a post called Living large. And today, I am Livin’ large. That’s different enough for my purposes. I also came across the post about my first-ever Hash run. That brought back some fun memories, even though the woman I was with that day wound up scamming me for a thousand bucks and then ghosted me. Ah, tuition in the school of hard knocks can be expensive. But I learned my lesson. Mostly.

No more bleeding from the nose, and my sinuses feel almost completely clear. There’s a good chance I’ll be back to post again tomorrow. Although I do have to cross the highway tonight. Life goes on.
Good to know you’re not blowing out any clotted blood boogers. I wonder whether sinus tissue heals fast on average when compared to, say, the skin on your arms.
I hope the dogs enjoyed the longer walk. Frankly, I’m surprised you still take Lucky walking. Or do you leave him behind now?
Food photos all look good.
Swan walks Lucky, but we all go together.
I had a nose full of those blood clot boogers last night, but I’ve picked them all now. I even dreamed about picking my nose last night.
Glad things are going well. You are probably wondering to yourself why you didn’t get the polyps removed a long time ago.
Brian, here’s to hoping it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
I think you meant “Livin La Vida Loca”.
“And I always enjoy watching the sun go down”. Does everything have to be about sex McCrarey?
Quick McCrarey, take that wig off before you are propositioned as a Ladyboy. Wait a minute, wait a cotton-pickin minute. On second thought keep that wig on. You have just found a job to supplement your retirement income while you lay on your back. Now score some cosmetics and catch the next trike to Walking Street in Angeles City.
PS: Can we still say cotton-pickin in Dementia Joe’s world? I mean Aunt Jemima is now Pearls Milling Company. WTF
Addendum: Peace Out!
You are certainly on a roll today, Soju! Funny stuff; keep it coming.
“Can we still say cotton-pickin in Dementia Joe’s world?”
Free men can say whatever in the hell we want, and if the woke assholes don’t like it, all the better!