That’s certainly a worthwhile goal. At least to the extent we have any say in the matter.
The other day I noticed that the subdivision security guys are now sporting firearms, what appear to be short barreled shotguns. This is a new feature as in the past they only carried pistols. In fact, on many occasions I’ve noticed the holsters they wear were empty. So, I asked one of the guards what was up with the new firepower. He simply responded “to protect lives and property, sir”.
Hmm. He didn’t elaborate, but I got to thinking maybe it has something to do with the recent arrest of an Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist here in Zambales province. Now, he was captured at a hotel in Iba more than an hour away from Olongapo/Barretto. But Iba has no real foreigner presence, so assuming he was plotting to kill us Western types, a trip down the National Highway may have been in his plans. Or maybe the arming of the guards was just a coincidence. Who knows?
Staying alive these days seems to be more and more a matter of chance. I mean, you can do the prudent things to alleviate risk factors, but short of living like a hermit (which to my thinking isn’t living at all) you can not control the timing or actions that may ultimately lead to your demise. Probably the most dangerous thing I do is walking alongside or crossing the National Highway. People drive like idiotic maniacs and it seems pedestrians are just expected to get the fuck out of the way. Even in the bars safety seems to be an afterthought. Cheap Charlies is my favorite hangout these days. It’s on the third floor with one access/egress point and one set of stairs. I guess in the event of a fire (or terrorist attack) you’d just have to dive out the window and onto the highway below. Oops. Choose the method of your doom!
Anyway, I also visited the doctor recently to go over the results from my blood and urine tests. As I had discerned from my own reading, I was in the normal range in all tested categories with one exception–my uric acid level is too high. My doc says this can be caused by eating certain types of foods in excess. Or drinking too much beer. Hmm. I guess I better watch what I eat! Anyway, he gave me some meds to help reduce those nasty acids and seemed satisfied that my health was otherwise pretty good for an “elderly” man. Bastard.
Speaking of risk factors, it’s time to get ready for the Hash. Wish me luck!
Yes you want to keep your uric acid in check because it can lead to gout…and gout sucks!
Good luck with the Hash!
For sure, that gout sounds like serious shit. No symptoms so far though…