Day 2 of the total lockdown and I’m doing just fine thank you very much.

Well, you might say I’ve thrown in the towel. I was going to hike yesterday in defiance of the powers that be but had a change of heart. Instead, I’ve resolved to just be a lazy fuck like I was in the good ol’ days (that photo above is actually from several years ago, the cigarette should be a dead giveaway). Hell, I couldn’t even motivate myself to post some worthless drivel for my faithful readers here at LTG. Not to worry, I’ve got TWO days worth of worthlessness for you now.
Let me just regurgitate some of what I’ve seen and done to give you a taste of what life is like for this desperate soul. Hmm, using regurgitate and taste in the same sentence maybe wasn’t a good idea. Too lazy to change it now!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Zambales province is due for “reconsideration” of our quarantine status prior to April 30. This means we will either be extended under the “enhanced quarantine” guidelines through at least May 15 or be downgraded to “general quarantine” status. Under the general quarantine, some businesses may reopen (but not gathering places like bars and restaurants), some public transport will also be available. But here’s the kicker: under the general provisions, people over 60 years old and others deemed high risk will be confined to their homes. So, it actually gets WORSE for me when and if the quarantine is downgraded. Well, my story is going to be “I’m 55”. If they actually check, I’ll say I meant I was born in 1955. What a fuckin’ fiasco!

In my boredom yesterday I broke my rule and engaged in a little politics on Facebook. My liberal friends were all going crazy with that crap about Trump suggesting that people ingest disinfectant. Of course, that’s not at all what he said. So, I called a few of them out just to enjoy watching their heads explode. This was one of my tools:

I also saw this example of trolling the left:

Now, I don’t think what Trump said was wise, regardless of whether it was truly intended as sarcasm. It sounded more to me like he was just spitballing an idea–hey, if a disinfectant works externally couldn’t they come up with something for inside the body? It was in fact posed as a question and with the caveat that only doctors could decide if the idea was even feasible. But oh well. Last election I had to choose between a fool and a crook. Trump has generally been a pleasant surprise in his effectiveness. Now the best the Dems can offer in response is a senile Joe Biden? Actually, it is looking more and more like they are going to find a way to oust him. Those Tara Reade allegations might just do the trick. It will be interesting to see who the DNC might anoint in his place. Anyway, enough of politics!
I don’t do Twitter but I do do Twitchy (man, that phrasing makes me squirm a little). And this little clip from Australia thanking celebrities for their efforts during the virus crisis is funny as hell.
Yesterday’s TV fare included another pandemic themed movie: I Am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Set in New York City after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of mankind, leaving Neville as the last human in New York, other than nocturnal mutants. Neville is immune to the virus and he works to develop a cure while defending himself against the hostile mutants.
I had heard of this one and maybe even seen it in whole or part, although I didn’t really remember enough to spoil the suspense. Honestly, a lot of the film seemed so over the top as to be unbelievable. But it filled a couple of hours at the relatively minor expense of $3.99 (fuck you again Amazon Prime). I think there is one more apocalyptic virus film I noticed during my scroll through the offerings. I might watch it today to keep with the lockdown theme.
After the movie was done, I fired up the grill.

The things you can inadvertently learn when you just want to get through the day. Take Kevin Kim’s post on Schrödinger’s fat–is Kim Jung-Un really dead? Maybe or maybe not. Or both. But I wanted to learn more about Schrödinger and his theory so I did a quick search. That pretty much made my head hurt–spoiler alert: the cat is both alive and dead. Still, I was glad to have educated myself some because it made this that much funnier:

So, I’m always on the lookout for symptoms. In that regard, I check my temperature twice a day. Oddly enough, I’m running a little cold it seems–usually less than 36C. But then I come to find out that two-thirds of those who test positive DON’T have a fever. Well, damn. A lot of the other virus symptoms are similar to the ones I have because of my COPD. So nothing to be done but keep on keeping on I suppose. I did a mostly in jest post on ten reasons why I won’t get the virus a few days back. One of those was my vaping habit would save me. Turns out, the French have done a study that appears to show that nicotine ingesters have a lower rate of infection. So, there’s that. On the other hand, I had speculated that my flatulence might keep the virus at bay. Now at least some studies say that you can actually pass the virus when you pass gas. Of course, who’s gonna be around long enough to get a whiff of what comes out of my ass?
Speaking of which, I never heard from Mary Jane Gamgam in response to my Facebook friend request. Oh well. But I did get accepted by Catherine, the SOB dancer I ran into the other day. Except as it turns out, the dancer is named Nica, not the girl I encountered on the street. Catherine also dances at Wet Spot (or used to I should say) and they could pass as sisters. Anyway, I chatted with her some, and we agreed to meet up. Our mutual friend Anna had told me Catherine has a Filipino boyfriend. So, I asked about that and Catherine denied it, saying the man who lives with her is her brother. Hmm. Well, that’s a big red flag. We are practically neighbors and the last thing I need is a jealous, angry, and possibly drunk Filipino guy coming after me. So, after thinking it over I decided not to bring her home. Instead, I brought her a bag of groceries (things I had around the house) and gave her 500 pesos. She seemed both grateful and a little disappointed (the gals usually get around 3000 pesos for going with a customer). Yeah, I was tempted but stayed strong and walked away. Kept my social distance as it were.
Things are getting more desperate for folks as this quarantine drags on and on. I have had several plaintive pleas for assistance from some Filipina acquaintances who claim to be hungry. So I’ve been spending my charity budget wiring money via Western Union to the ones I know well enough to trust. I also am doing a weekly monetary contribution to the work being done by the Baker’s Table owner. That group was actually in the squatter’s village outside my subdivision on Friday:

Are you as bored as I am yet? Good, now you know how it feels. I’ll leave you with this “interesting” photo from yesterday’s dog walk:

That’s about as interesting as it gets around here these days. Thanks for bearing with me!
UPDATE: Well, I’ll be damned. Almost exactly one year ago I used the Lazy Daze post title. I hate it when I do that but I’m too lazy to change it now.
Nothing like a little quantum mechanics to spice up your day, eh? Yeah, as you can see, “Schrödinger’s fat” is a play on the famous “Schrödinger’s cat” thought experiment. A probabilistic wave function keeps certain possibilities in suspension, and it’s only when the wave function “collapses” that all the possible options suddenly coalesce into one single, definite outcome. But before that collapse happens, everything is up in the air, hence the cat that is both alive and dead until you open the box and thereby collapse the wave function.
As you move into the realm of the subatomically small, phenomena become less discrete and more “fuzzy.” Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle” dealt with this by stating that, the more we know a particle’s position, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. Simple things like “cause” and “effect,” not to mention the very flow of time, cease to be obvious at the quantum level. Freaky stuff.
Your charity work in the community is doubtless appreciated by those who receive the help. “There are treasures stored up for you in heaven…”
I’ve got no problem with pineapples alongside baby-back ribs. My only quibble, last time, was with putting acidic pineapples in with a creamy, savory sauce. But since you reported that that combination seemed to work out okay, I guess I’m the one who needs to open his mind.
Your lower-than-normal body temperature indicates that you’ve contracted the zombie virus and are on your way to becoming as cold as a corpse. Pretty soon, you’ll be less attracted to the ladies for their bodies and more attracted to them for their brains. Mmmm… juicy, juicy brains.
Couldn’t help noticing that, in the picture where you’re doing the “Captain Morgan” pose, Lucky is politely looking away from your crotch.
Aussie steaks look good! If you get bored, slice them thinly, fan them out on a plate, and drizzle them with chimichurri sauce. Chimichurri is an Argentinian steak sauce; I’ve written about it a few times on my blog (see here).
Here’s hoping you get good news about the quarantine/lockdown.
Sometimes you need to think outside the box . Just because it sounds dumb to wonder if injecting bleach could be a cure does not mean that you ignore the ideal. A fellow named Flemming in 1928 thought you could cure lots of stuff by injecting mold into your body and in 1492 another guy said , ” hey I think I know a shortcut”.
Kev. Although you made my brain hurt again.
After a couple of hours on trail, I feel like a zombie most days. And I hadn’t even noticed Lucky in that photograph before. Turned his head AND closed his eyes. What did he see that was so disgusting I wonder? I’ll keep my eyes out for the chimichurri but I’ll be surprised if anyone carries it here. Thanks for the heads-up!
Terry, totally agree. I remember when I heard about how penicillin was discovered I was like who would even think of trying that? And if that guy hadn’t sailed the ocean blue back then India would be on the other side of the world!
John, the celebrity video was hilarious and spot-on. Celebrities really are so full of themselves. 60 and above are confined to their homes? Just make sure when you are out and about you DO NOT ask for your senior discount. Peace Out!
Yeah, I already considered the implications of that…I’ll have to wait in line with all those young people!
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