I mean the Christmas that was yesterday. I sure as hell hope it wasn’t my last Christmas! I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out. In the meantime, here’s how I spent the day of the dear Savior’s birth (hedging my bets, just to play it safe):
Christmas fell on a Wednesday this week, but that didn’t keep four of us from heading out for a walk. We took a 200 peso trike ride to barangay Naugsol and then walked the length of the bypass highway that is under construction. Then it was down into the valley and on home to Barretto. The good news is that we found the path into San Isidro that gets around the fence I couldn’t find last week. Praise the Lord!

Swan gifted me a new trekking pole and two ballcaps for Christmas.

My neighbor Mike was celebrating his 77th birthday this Christmas, and we joined the gathering at his place to celebrate.

After the meal and birthday song, we made a plan to reconvene at Thumbstar bar in Barretto. Mike sent me home with a generous helping of leftovers.

Mike’s an interesting guy who had a career in the music business as a promoter. He shared photos from his glory days with some of the biggest bands from the 70s and 80s. The stories he can tell!
Speaking of those leftovers, I had some of them for breakfast this morning.

So, Christmas is no time to be stingy, even with the calorie intake.

There’s another feast in store for tonight as Swan’s family invades The Right Spot. I’ll get back on track next year for sure.
In the memories department, ten years ago, I had this to say here on LTG:
Maybe I am crazy, but it occurs to me now that life is always just one big transition. I suppose that state of perpetual transition might on occasion include adventure. More often it just hurts.
I had no idea what lay in store for me just around the corner (my wife dumping me). And now here I am, still trying to make the best of whatever may come.
Seven years ago, I was enjoying a stroll on the Han River in Seoul:

Today’s YouTube video was lifted from Kevin Kim’s blog. It’s just too damn funny (and true) not to share.
As long as we are laughing:

Assuming I remember what happens, I’ll be sharing how dinner with the family goes tonight. I’ve already made my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad. My other contribution will be candied yams. Yeah, another cheat day is in store I’m afraid.
So, the obvious song for today’s post is “Last Christmas” by George Michael. In an ominous twist, his last day on Earth was also his last Christmas–he died December 25, 2016.
These elderly valley dwellers were happy with their cookie gift
Will they outlive their dog?
Mike did all the cooking[,] and he prepared this impressive meal for his guests.
Looks as though he did a great job!
as Swan’s family invades The Right Spot
I guess that’s different from The Rite Spot.
Enjoy the weird, No Man’s Land week between Xmas and New Year’s. Don’t worry too much about cheat days, but don’t go overboard, either. As Living Color sang years ago, “Only you can set you free.”
I hope you had a good time on George Michael Death Day.
inquiring minds want to know, OK I’m just curious, what did Aine say that made Swan mad ?
Terry, I don’t know all the details, but apparently she asked Swan to barfine her…
Will they outlive their dog?
I wondered the same thing. The dog looks better fed than they do.
It is so wrong when you misspell “Rite.” I feel like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.
Thanks for the song link. I’m trying to bravely exercise my discretion on what and how much to eat.
It is so wrong when you misspell “Rite.”
You talkin’ to me or to yourself? You’re the one with a sign for “The Rite Spot on the Roof.” All I’m looking for is consistency. Personally, I’m not a fan of “Rite” being used in place of “Right,” but the misspelling is a common marketing ploy, which is why I never said anything. But just as authors create the ground rules for magic in their fantasy worlds and must thereafter obey those ground rules, so it is with calling the location “Rite.” Once Rite, always Rite. Right?
No, Kevin, I was talking about me. I named my rooftop “The Rite Spot” after a hamburger joint my dad managed when I was a kid. So, using “Right” in that context was very wrong indeed. The sad thing is that I wrote it in the wrong form and then didn’t see the mistake during my proofreading. Maybe I should hire you as a proofreader…