Highlights from the previous 24 hours, such as they are.
Did a bit of a bar crawl last evening. Started out in the newest joint in town called The Green Room. The latest addition to Dave Fisher’s empire known as The Maze. The Green Room is a bit different in that it is a sports bar format–no stage, no dancing girls. I did get a nice back massage while I was sitting there though. Also had a good chat with Dave.
Moved up the street to Hot Zone and enjoyed a couple of beers with the owner, Jay. Not busy but a couple of cuties on stage. Part of the rules allowing bars to reopen include purchasing food, so I bought some kind of meat on a stick and gave them to the girls. One other customer in the place and Jay invited him to our table. Turns out he’s the Captain of some massive yacht anchored in Subic Bay. Interesting guy.
Then I moved on down to my regular haunt, Mangos. I got there later than normal so it was dark and the beach was deserted. I ordered up a salad with chicken strips and ranch dressing. It was pretty good. A couple of beers and headed for home. It was raining so I took a trike. And thanks to the curfew, I was in bed by 9 p.m.
Early to bed and early to rise, wise or not, I was up at 4:30 and feeling healthy. Turns out Iline is also an early riser and we got to chatting. I invited her over and she agreed to come see me, telling me she would run from her place (around 2K or so). I was a little concerned about her running in the dark but she said she does it all the time. I finally convinced her to wait until 5:30 when the sun was rising. And then she arrived by trike because it had started to rain. Oh well.
So, we had some coffee and chat, I fed the dogs and she joined me when I walked Buddy (Lucky opted not to come). Iline told me about her workout routines which start with 300 jumping jacks! It reminded me a little of when I did some exercising so I dug out my elastic bands and abdomen wheel and we fooled around with that for a bit. I may be inspired to start up again although I’m never going to be in Iline’s league. That girl is fit!
The rain had quit so I took Iline on one of my regular hikes, mostly flat and around 7K. That was, of course, nothing to her but we did have some good convo and I really enjoyed having her company as we walked.

Oh, and here’s the postmortem on Mary. We were supposed to have gotten together yesterday. In fact, she was planning to spend the night. I put a kibosh on that idea but she was persistent. Even telling me all the things she would do for me in the bedroom. I briefly toyed with the idea of fucking her hard and then fucking her over by sending her home, but it just wasn’t worth it. No point in being vindictive to the little scammer. She was back at it this morning wanting to come over, messaging and calling (which I didn’t answer). Her last message was “are you busy?”. I responded “Yes, busy moving on with my life. You should too.” That seemed to do the trick as I haven’t heard from her since.
And that my friends brings you pretty much up to date. I’m planning to go to Olongapo with Iline tomorrow for some much needed shopping. My hiking shoes are shot, my underwear needs replacing, and I could use some more socks. Exciting times here for me. No idea what the future holds but I’m in a “bring it on, bitch!” mode these days. That’s a nice change.
De-lousing yourself of the parasitic Mary seems like a good move. Pining for Iline the Unavailable, not so much. Staying in the Friend Zone is the way to go until you find a quality lady of your own. No need to unnecessarily “soap-operatize” your life by turning the Friend Zone into the Constant Temptation Zone. That road leads only to stupidity and useless drama.
In a different comment thread, you called yourself your own worst critic when it came to relationship gaffes. I think we, your faithful readers, will believe that when we see you actually recognizing the danger signs and avoiding the pitfalls. So find yourself a woman of Iline’s quality and character, but don’t be the guy who tries to tempt Iline away from her current man. That would be selfish and destructive.
Valid points and good advice as usual. In my defense, Iline is initiating most of our contact and I’m just going along for the ride. I think she wants to be sure about her choice and whatever that is, I’ll accept it. The big thing for me is re-discovering that love is worth having in my life and that I shouldn’t settle for less. Yeah, you told me that a long time ago and it turns out you were right. Again.
I’m very sensitive about intruding into whatever decision Iline makes regarding her boyfriend. I want her to be happy. If he is right for her I couldn’t lure her away if I tried. If he is not, then she deserves the person who is. Her call. In the meantime, I’m just going to take things as they come. I’m tired of wasting my time on women who don’t meet my needs. If that means winding up alone, I’ll accept that outcome and be glad for the times we’ve shared.