Just in case there was any doubt…

More evidence of which side the MSM has taken in the GWOT is summed rather nicely in this post from Greyhawk at Mudville Gazette.

It is bad enough that we have to endure biased coverage that misrepresents what is happening on the ground in Iraq. To learn that CBS actually has the bad guys on their payroll strikes me as crossing the line into treason.

UPDATE: Meanwhile, over at CNN Tim Blair notes an interesting example of what is considered “news”.

3 thoughts on “Just in case there was any doubt…

  1. The newsmedia has always used freelance photographers and they have always paid for video footage of anything they thought newsworthy. This is done by every major news network, news service and newspaper, including Fox. This is not only nothing new, but everyone is aware of it. So why act surpised or get self righteious about it now? The topic itself of whether or not some of these freelance photograpers/vidoegraphers might be alinged with the insurgency ahs even been discussed in the MSM. It came up quite a bit around the time the head of CNN International news bureau (remember him?) made his comment about journalist coming under fire from American troops. In cae youdon’t recall it, one photograper/vidoegrapher who was shot was accused of workign for the insurgency because his film clip started before a car actully exploded. The photos were examined and dissected six ways to Sunday by bloggers. You appear to suffer from short term memory. Too many late nights in bars.

    As for the report on 60 protesters. It is news to the extent that it shows how little a draw this group has withthe American people. I guess reporting that is not news to you?

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