Only me and Gary showed up for the Friday group hike, but we put in our steps with a pleasant walk through Matain, Calapacuan, San Isidro, and Santo Tomas. Here’s some of what we saw along the way:

A healthy start to the day. How did it finish? Like this:
I began my Friday evening with an invite to the Alley Cats bar for their Christmas party. It’s been a while since my last visit, and there has been an almost complete turnover in staff. The same owners and the dart players were all familiar, so catching up with folks was nice. The party was supposed to start at five, with a tournament at six. I knew I wouldn’t be participating in dart action, so I planned to meet up with Swan when I left Alley Cats. Alas, there was a delay in the food prep, and folks didn’t start eating until six, so I bailed out on the best part of the party. I did at least contribute a batch of brownies to the mix.

Swan messaged that she was with some friends at BarCelona and asked that I meet them there, so off I went.

After a couple of beers with the group, my missing the food at Alley Cats began to invade my thoughts in the form of hunger pangs. I suggested to Swan that we pay our tab and give Mugshots a try. And that is just what we did.
I’m a very infrequent visitor to Mugshots, even though it is a nice venue with a good kitchen. We ordered up fried chicken wings and buffalo wings. Both were quite tasty. Once again I was surprised that the bar staff, waitresses, and owner all greeted me by name. I mean, it’s nice to be recognized, but a little disconcerting for some reason. Anyway, no other customers during our visit, which doesn’t bode well for a Friday night. Hopefully they did better later.
As is our custom, we headed for home after Mugshots and arrived around 8:30. I caught an episode of “Shameless” then hit the hay.
Oh, speaking of “Shameless,” my fellow traveler Scott sent me a clip from a Season 9 episode (I’m only on Season 6) featuring the late Bob Saget remembering his Navy days in Subic Bay. It’s hilarious and is worth the three-minute investment of time:
And now it is Saturday. I began the day with a hot cup of coffee and this view from my desk:

We shall see what the rest of Saturday holds in store. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

And a bonus pun:

I was going to use Jackson Brown’s “The Road” for today’s song, but discovered I’ve used it before. So, here’s another old favorite from the days of my childhood listening along with my daddy’s record player.
I watched the Bob Saget clip. Funny. But is “Ming Hang” a typically Pinay name? Most of the women in your neighborhood seem to have either normal-sounding Western names or bizarrely twisted Western names. Or are those just nicknames?
re: fish-market lady’s knowing you
I guess word gets around in a small town.
You can’t ask for much more than a nice walk and good company.
Kev, I’ve never heard a name similar to “Ming Hang” here. I don’t know if that was bad writing or an inside joke I didn’t get. Still, it was nice to see the Subic Bay women get the well-earned recognition for their talents.
It occurred to me that while I’m not a pillar of the community, I may be achieving rafter status. It’s a start!
So it looks like on December 28, 2003 @ 0600 hours, you will take on your new persona as The Hamburglar of Barretto. A role you were born to perform. Make us proud McCrarey.
Hey, there’s a Santa Monica in California too. Does the Santa Monica subdivision there have a fishing pier with a ferris wheel also?
“A dirty road”. From what I’ve seen, that describes most roads in the PI.
“We call it Black Rock for a reason”. I get it. Is there a Punk Rock anywhere around?
I don’t think the fishmonger previously worked in a bar. I mean, she didn’t ask you to buy her a lady drink at the fish market did she?
“Thank You You Are Now Leaving Subic”. You must have really pissed them off that they are thanking you for leaving. Not judging. I’ve heard “soju, get the hell out, thank-you”, a few times in my life. Usually at a relative’s house.
Next time you see the basket seller can you ask him/her if they have sex baskets. If so, get me his/her business card. Asking for a friend. His name is Peter.
And finally McCrarey, I would be remiss if i did not mention that your main squeeze looks absolutely lovely in the pic at BarCelona. You don’t look too shabby yourself but no way your legs look that good.
Peace Out!
Soju, I don’t know about Hamburglar, but I’m already a Big Mac.
No pier in this Santa Monica, but it does flood during rainy season.
Yes, unfortunately, this is the land of dirty roads.
No, the fishmonger didn’t ask for a drink, but she does look thirsty. I wish I could remember which bar I saw her in.
Yes, I also get that “come again when you can’t stay so long” vibe sometimes.
Your friend Peter sounds like a wanker.
Thanks, Soju. Swan does look good for an elderly woman (she’s 39!)
You just effed-up McCrarey. Never do you reveal a woman’s age. Looks like I won’t be the only one jacking-off all this week. I got a used BlackPink poster for sale if you need it McCrarey. A couple of wet spots on the gals head but other than that, pristine condition. Make offer.
Peace Out!
I paused at the fish market to get a picture and the gal in the blue apron greeted me with a hearty “hello, sir John.” Then she asked me if I was feeling better after the operation. I’m standing there thinking, who the hell is this? She looked vaguely familiar and I assume at one time she must have worked in a bar I frequent, but where and when I have no clue. That actually happens to me quite often.
I mean let’s call this what it is. It’s waaaycism. With the best will in the world and despite our tactful goodwill, we just DO NOT register and recall faces outside the in-group as deeply. Plus you have a somewhat transactional relationship with the female population there and no one is that good at recollecting shop workers. Those fish look tasty.
Got to say, your woman looks kind of classy in pics so props to you on an upbeat ending to a year in which the health gods sought to test you out. Any serious new year’s resolutions…?
Dan, well, part of the problem is my memory is more like Biden’s every day. The other thing is when I see someone out of context, I’m just clueless as to where I’d seen or met them before. I’m also too ashamed to say, “Where do I know you from?” So, yeah, I perpetuate the problem.
Thanks, things are going better and better with Swan. She wants to spend time with me and is willing to join me in the bars to do so. It’s nice having company I don’t have to pay for! That said, Swan is friendly with the girls, doesn’t seem jealous at all, and doesn’t object when I treat the waitress to a lady drink now and then. She always dresses up when we go out and does have a classy look about her.
I do hope to lose some belly fat in the new year, so I guess I’m resolved to do so. Other than that, I want to stay healthy and enjoy my life as long as I am able.
No worries, Soju. I asked her when her birthday was, and she said June. I told her that gives us six months. She asked why. Um, do I look like the kind of guy who’d go out with a 40-year-old? She laughed and said okay then, I’ll stay 39 from now on. Works for me!