So kept busy yesterday working on the transition to my new life in the Philippines. Walked through a subdivision called Santa Rita. Most of the houses appeared to be Filipino occupied and were in various states of disrepair. The guard shack at the entrance was not manned, so much for security.

There was this place…brand new. Called and was told it was a 2 bedroom 2 bath, partially furnished for 25,000 pesos ($500) per month. Given the dicey nature of the neighborhood I’ll give it a pass…
I hired a car and driver to take me out to Club Morocco to look at that big ass house I mentioned yesterday. It’s a great house but…

…much as I’d enjoy waking up to this view every morning the distance from everywhere (over 30 minutes from Baretto) and associated inconvenience makes it not worth the trouble.
I next had the driver take me out to the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (aka the old Navy base) to do some grocery shopping.
When we delivered the bounty it was the first time I had actually met the children. On my previous visits they had always been in school. I was very impressed with how well-mannered and happy they seemed to be. Glad to be able to provide a little support and I told the administrator that once I make the move I want to set up a monthly event for the kids to celebrate birthdays and share a big meal. Should be fun!

Last night was the weekly Sons of Baccus (SOB) dance competition. Once again I was asked to sit in judgement.

The other judges concurred with my opinion that the gals from Wet Spot had the best routine last night…
I also put in some efforts at exorcism trying to free myself from the ghosts of times gone by. Can’t say that I succeeded in slaying them, but I did confront them head on, intentionally visiting those places where the memories were made. Other then feeling a little sick in my stomach I came through unscathed. I’d call that progress.
The journey continues. Stay tuned.