Jacked up

But not jacked off. Here’s the story of my Tuesday.

As usual, the first order of business was grocery shopping. And someone knows my schedule, because like clockwork she’s waiting for me on the corner almost every Tuesday morning as I head for the highway.

Who’s that up ahead?
Nice to see you again, mama! Here’s some lunch money.

Shopping came with the usual frustrations. This week, there was no Coke Zero or Diet Coke in stock. Seriously, how does that happen? There is a Coca-Cola distributor right up the highway. Being out of a popular item like this is just poor store management. Anyway, we stopped at a local market on the way home, where I was able to purchase my weekly ration of soft drinks.

In the afternoon, Swan and I ventured out to the Subiza Resort on Baloy. We will hold our annual anniversary Hash celebration there in October, and I met with the manager to discuss menu options and pricing. The plan is to have a set price buffet and the meal cost will be included in the Hash fee for that run. Maryjoy at Subiza will send me the food options and pricing for 100-125 guests for the Subic Bay Hash House Harrier’s forty-first-anniversary celebration in the next week or two. We anticipate lots of out-of-town Hashers will be attending, and she is offering a special Hash discount for lodging at the resort.

We also got our waterfront view fix satiated during our Subiza visit.

Looking right. I love that big yellow house next door.
Looking left towards Barretto
Looking straight ahead at the Kalaklan Ridge
Looking at my sweetheart

When we finished our business at Subiza, we walked next door to Harley’s for dinner. As you might imagine, the views are very similar. What’s different about Harley’s is that it has a nice pub vibe. The place was busy with other diners and drinkers, but next door, it was only us. It just goes to prove that it is not all about location; you have to create an atmosphere that attracts customers.

That’s Subiza’s ass-side next door. It is much nicer inside.
We were facing the wrong direction for a sunset, but a break in the rainy skies had a nice look.

There’s a “fun” option on my phone camera that I’d never tried, so we played with that while waiting for our food.

I guess it was nice
Ain’t she sweet?

Dinner is served:

A shrimp cocktail for Swan
And I went with the fish and chips. I wasn’t that impressed, to be honest.
A sign at Harley’s I found amusing

When we finished our food, we headed home. It was still early, even by my low standards, but I had a plan. Earlier in the day, I came across this clip from an old movie that made me laugh:

Less than a minute long, so enjoy!

That’s from the movie Billy Jack. It’s hard for me to believe, but it was released FIFTY-THREE fucking years ago. I know I watched it back in the day, and I watched it again last night. It was filmed in Prescott, Arizona, a town I lived in from 1978-1983. Some of the buildings and scenery brought back old memories that reminded me of the life I once lived. Other than a couple of the fight scenes, I didn’t remember much from the actual movie. Truthfully, it wasn’t as good as I expected it to be. I mean, I did get a kick out of seeing those ’70s fashions and haircuts, and the hippy vibes were pretty far out, man. But the story seemed off somehow to me. Oh, it had some religious overtones and Native American philosophies, but it just didn’t seem to all come together somehow. The reviews I read in the Wikipedia link above were also decidedly mixed. It was apparently one of the first movies featuring kung-fu fighting, and if I read the credits right, it was the Korean variety. Kevin Kim, why don’t you do the film justice with one of your famous reviews? You can watch it on YouTube for free.

I did drink some more beers while I watched the film, but it was still a different way to end my day. One of these nights, I may give the forerunner, The Born Losers, and the sequel, The Trial Of Billy Jack, neither of which I’ve seen, a watch.

No Facebook memories to share today, but I did come across this post of mine from 2016 sharing my religious viewpoints. I think I wrote it after I got in trouble at work for calling Mohammed a pedophile. My motivation was to establish a basis to claim religious discrimination if I was disciplined for telling the truth about the guy who married a twelve-year-old. Turns out I didn’t get in trouble, so I didn’t have to defend myself.

Today’s YouTube video is from Reekay discussing an issue I’m sure most of us have experienced–a twenty-year-old virgin. Well, believe it or not, cherry girls have never been attractive to me. Some guys pay a hefty premium to barfine them, though. I guess they really want to be the best the girl has ever had. Dating the eighteen-year-old mother was kinky enough for me, thank you.

To the humor, then.

It’s good that she brought him up to speed.
It takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin
That’s why it’s best to lay on your back
Been there, done that.

Alrighty then, I have two birthday parties to attend today, so I’d best hit the shower and get on with it. More to come tomorrow.

Listen children to a story
That was written long ago
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley folk below
On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone
And the valley people swore
They'd have it for their very own

So go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You'll be justified in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away

So the people from the valley
Sent a message up the hill
Asking for the buried treasure
Tons of gold for which they'd kill
Came an answer from the kingdom
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain
All the riches buried there"

Now the valley cried with anger
"Mount your horses, draw your sword"
And they killed the mountain people
So they won their just reward
Now they stood beside the treasure
On the mountain, dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it
"Peace on earth" was all it said

So go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You'll be justified in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away

6 thoughts on “Jacked up

  1. Nice to see you again, mama!

    She seems to be doing well.

    This week, there was no Coke Zero or Diet Coke in stock.

    Do they sell Coke under both names—Zero and Diet? In Korea, it’s all Zero now, so I’d thought that Coke had simply rebranded. No?

    our annual anniversary Hash celebration there in October

    Good to have something to look forward to.

    The plan is to have a set price buffet and the meal cost will be included in the Hash fee for that run.

    I’m all about the buffet. I’m going to guess $10-15. That’s an Old Country Buffet price from over a decade ago.

    There’s a “fun” option on my phone camera that I’d never tried, so we played with that while waiting for our food.

    Ha ha. See whether you have (or can get) the “crying” filter. (You might need to use Snapchat or some other service, though.)

    And I went with the fish and chips. I wasn’t that impressed, to be honest.

    You need these fish and chips. At a lot of places, I’ve noticed, fried foods could be left in the fryer for another 30 seconds to make things just that leeeeetle beeet crispier. So many places stop short of maximum crispiness (or maximum Chris Penis).

    I came across this clip

    I guess the joke wouldn’t have worked as well had she said “Fuck off.”

    I’ll put “Billy Jack” on my ever-lengthening queue.

    Dating the eighteen-year-old mother was kinky enough for me, thank you.

    I really do hope you’re over that shit and have gotten it all out of your system. So to speak.

    Have fun at those birthday parties.

  2. “the Subic Bay Hash House Harrier’s forty-first-anniversary celebration….”

    The ‘Postrophe Posse humbly suggests that should read “Harriers’” since there is more than one Harrier, and “Harrier’s” denotes the singular possessive.

    I know, I’ll try to get a life.


  3. Drain, I did pause and think for a moment about whether that apostrophe was appropriate. My reasoning for using it was that “Harriers” isn’t a group of Hashers in this context; rather, it is the singular name of our group. I’m not sure I’m right about that, but perhaps the grammar master will weigh in with his opinion on the subject.

  4. Mama is the happiest homeless person I’ve ever seen. Always greets me happily and tells me, “I love you, papa.”

    Yes, both Diet and Zero are available in the PI. I prefer Zero, although honestly, they don’t taste much different. I did see some cans of Coke Zero Vanilla, but wasn’t willing to go there. Just doesn’t sound that appealing to me.

    I don’t have Snapchat or TikTok, but I downloaded a crying app from Google Play. I haven’t figured out how to use it yet.

    Damn, those fish and chips look amazing. And yes, the problem I had with my order was they were not nearly crispy enough. I understand that the type of fish makes a big difference as well. Cheap-ass Dory versus Mahi-Mahi changes everything for the worse.

    Up Yours is just a nicer way of saying fuck off.

    My perverted memories should last me for the remainder of this lifetime. And when I get that heavenly “do-over” afterlife, I’ll revisit some old fantasies…

  5. Ooh, that’s an interesting question. Is the group’s official name Subic Bay Hash House Harriers—in the plural? If so, then the plural is already included in the name, so, per your (correct) logic, you shouldn’t disturb the integrity of the name by using an apostrophe in the singular position. So Drain Snake is also right: the proper possessive in this case is Subic Bay Hash House Harriers’. You have to preserve the plural.

    And points to Drain Snake for catching what I did not!

    Upshot: you used the correct logic (name integrity) but got the wrong result. The name is already plural, so you need the plural possessive.

    Think about names for single groups that are nevertheless grammatically plural:

    The Beatles (one group, many members)
    The Carpenters (one duo, two members)

    So, I’d say

    The Beatles’ new album
    The Carpenters’ latest performance

    But about specific members:

    One Beatle’s problem was his soul-draining marriage to Yoko.
    One Carpenter’s anorexia led to disaster.
    One Subic Bay Hash House Harrier’s battle with COPD is documented on a blog.

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