Tuesday is gone and I’m still here. I’ll call that a win!
After grocery shopping, I had the driver drop me at Dr. Jo’s clinic. It was time for my second round of treatment for the sciatica nerve repair in my back. This involves drawing some blood, harvesting the stem cells, and then injecting those cells into my back to facilitate healing. I lost count of the painful jabs involved, but I believe it was around fifteen or so. Then I got a shot of testosterone in my ass for good measure.

She also referred me for blood work to see how things are faring inside my tired old body. I’m going to try to do that tomorrow.

Home from the doctor for a nap and blogging. Then I saw a Facebook post on one of the Barretto forums from a guy who has been in country for a couple of months and has experienced multiple problems, including a motorbike accident and some financial issues. His post was about settling down in Barretto and the place he had found to rent on Baloy Beach. I sent him a sympathy and welcome message and invited him out to the floating bar to join me for a beer. He messaged back and said he didn’t have a beer budget, so I offered to buy him a couple. He didn’t respond right away, and I wondered if I’d creeped him out and gave off an unintended gay vibe with my invite.
Swan finished her tutoring gig at four; then, we made our way out to Baloy for some afternoon fun on the floating bar.

Swan and I weren’t done yet. We stopped into DaKudo’s for some dinner, sat at the bar, and were served by my old friend Jessa. And then I got a message from that guy I don’t know telling me he was on his way to the floating bar. I responded that we’d already left and were now at DaKudos. I thought that was the end of it, but he messaged, “See you there.” Alrighty then.
So, he arrives in a trike escorted by a young Filipino, who I assume is his helper. He didn’t have change for the trike, so I provided some. He didn’t order a beer; he ordered a Coke instead—his choice. We chatted a bit, and I learned he was not yet living on Baloy–the rental he mentioned on Facebook doesn’t begin for a couple of weeks. He told me of some of the places he visited and mentioned his accident and the medical issues that resulted. He was born and raised in Michigan, and I asked him if he liked Kid Rock. He said he didn’t, and my sense was he didn’t like Kid Rock’s political (right-wing) viewpoints. Then I asked him if he hoped to meet a woman here, and he told me, “Actually, I’m looking for a guy.” Ah, that explains his disappointment when he saw me with Swan. He DID think my invite was for something I hadn’t intended to convey. Sorry about that! I’ve actually never met a gay foreigner here looking for a relationship. He finished his Coke and left with his young man.
Swan had her carbonara, which she didn’t like. I enjoyed my chef’s salad. I bought Jessa another lady drink, and then we headed home. A strange but nice night out.
Today’s Quora Q and A:
Q: What has motivated your interest in China and how does your interest in China relate to human resource management?
I think I got this question because there are a lot of Chinese propaganda accounts on Quora. I consistently downvote their bullshit posts. I guess someone wanted to know why. So I told them.
A: It doesn’t. China is an evil empire that will likely cause the outbreak of another World War. My interest is in seeing them stopped before that happens.
Ready to lighten things up? Here you go:

Okay, another grueling hike this morning I’ll tell and show you about tomorrow. Peace out!
Too bad he’s not one of those gay conservatives, the way Andrew Sullivan used to be before he contracted TDS.
Regardless of sexual orientation, the new expat you met reminds me of similar ones I met in Thailand. Through various reasons, usually of their own doing, they come to SE Asia with very little funds and no back up plan.
Then after X months, they start to bitch about how they don’t like said SE Asian country because they are having to live like a poor local – too hot, no money for travel, girls (or guys) are just out to get them, beer has gone up $0.10, etc etc etc. But they can’t afford to return to the States (or UK or wherever), and they always seem one unexpected expense from going over the edge.
It is a sad situation, but after about 5 minutes of hearing them complain, it is time to move to another bar (or barstool).
Brian, yeah, from the bits and pieces I heard, your points pretty much describe this guy. Apparently, the comments on his FB post were so vicious he had to turn them off. Still, lack of planning leads to bad luck and I felt a little sorry for him. Hence, the invite for a beer. I hope things work out for him and he learns from the experience.
Oddly, I never even see Sullivan’s writing these days. Or maybe I just ignore it.
Tuesday is gone with the wind and you’re still standing. Showed her, didn’t ya?
“Always follow doctor’s orders!” Is that dude in the mirror David Bowie?
“Early leavers.” Rookies
Swan is looking good in that sundress!
McCrarey, you are a gay magnet. In fact, if I was gay I’d be all over you like white on rice. After you retired from the Hump you should have caught the bus from The Hump to Yongsan and hoofed it over to Homo Hill with resume in hand. With all those lady drink commissions and short-time encounters you’d be living in a penthouse in Gangnam with a Hyundai Genesis and driver at you beck and call.
Peace Out!
“if I was gay I’d be all over you like white on rice.”
Um, that sounds pretty gay, Soju.
Is it too late to seek employment as a barguy in Itaewon earning drink commissions?
PH is the wrong place to be without sufficient funds, plans, or a well-grounded sense of reality and perspective.
The days when you could find work on a tramp steamer bound for the next unspoiled tropical paradise-just-waiting-for-you and live off free fish and mangoes with a dusky and insatiable bare-breasted princess in a grass skirt are long gone.
In fact, that was always just a lonely sailor’s dream.
Don’t fall asleep on the beach or the monkeys will steal your sunglasses and your last beer. And in this case, maybe also leave you with a sore rump.
“You know how to whistle, don’t you Steve? You just put your lips together and…blow.”
To Have and Have Not
Well put, DS. In his original FB post, he was honest about not having come with enough money, especially to cover the unexpected emergency expenses. Apparently, he had family back home rescue him with funds. I don’t know if he has any source of income other than social security, but if not, Baloy is likely too expensive (he said his rent was 23,000 pesos). Better off living in a rural province. Or maybe he’ll find a sugar daddy…