Thursdays come and go, and I go with the flow. It’s just the way I roll.
As I’ve been scrolling through my old blog posts, trying to remember some stories from my life in those long ago days, I’ve noticed that I wrote about politics quite a bit. I don’t bother with that too much now because I’ve come to realize it’s pointless. We all believe what we choose to believe, and only rarely will anyone’s mind be changed by contrary arguments. There has been some recent back and forth in the comments concerning the Trump pardons that illustrate that point. So, for what it is worth, my take on the January 6 riots is this:
- The protesters who entered the Capitol building were trespassing, and that was a crime.
- Nancy Pelosi declined to activate the National Guard to defend the Capitol
- The vast majority of protesters did not engage in violence. The only fatality was a protester.
- The FBI played a role (agents were on the scene), and the extent of their instigation will eventually be revealed.
- The DOJ’s pursuit of felony charges against even the peaceful trespassers was excessive and unprecedented. Compare and contrast to the violent BLM protests.
- The kangaroo court of the J6 House investigation was criminal. Biden’s pardons for uncharged crimes against the Committee members are quite revealing.
- The criminal court proceedings and treatment of those arrested have made a mockery of our justice system. Many people have been denied the right to a speedy and fair trial, and this is but one example.
- One of Trump’s campaign promises was to commute the sentences and pardon the non-violent protesters. He has now kept his word, and that was appropriate.
- There is much more yet to be uncovered about the January 6, 2021 events, and I expect a full and fair investigation under Trump.
Enough said? Okay, let me tell you about my day:
I took a solo walk, and as I departed home, I thought I would walk the back roads to Waltermart and then take a Jeepney back to Barretto. But once I hit Naugsol, I didn’t feel like continuing on to Mangan-Vaca, so I circled around the Naugsol area on the new bypass road instead.

For my Thursday evening fun, I attended a gathering at a fellow Hasher’s house.

- Today’s weigh-in: 233.5
- Last week: 235.0
- November 1: 267.1
- Net loss: 33.6 pounds
Getting there, little by little.
Today’s installment in The Story of My Life demonstrates that I was posting boring drivel about my day even twenty years ago. Still, it was in Korea, and everything was new about the experience.
To the memories we shall go:

Today’s YouTube video discusses three morning habits that can prove fatal to older folks like me. Well, maybe. I usually eat something before heading out for a hike, but that’s just me. If you are doing one of those intermittent fasting programs or don’t want to eat the high-carb foods the narrator suggests, this is advice you may not want to take. I do usually sit up for a few seconds before stumbling to the bathroom for a nighttime piss. And I don’t have to strain much when it is time to poop, so that’s not a problem for me. I did have an elderly neighbor die on the toilet one morning, so it does happen. Anyway, here it is, take it or leave it:
Live to laugh:

Another day, another post. Same old, same old. But then again, so am I. Let’s see what happens next.
Our host, John, skillfully manning the grill.
From that angle, John looks a lot like Chef Andy.
According to the caption on this Facebook post from seven years ago, it was -13, and the wind was blowing.
And I see you were still doing that lip-puffing, mouth-farting nonsense. So weird.
Today’s YouTube video discusses three morning habits that can prove fatal to older folks like me. Well, maybe.
I love the AI voice. More and more, this is the norm.
It’s your blog but from a reader, please stick to blogging about your walks, drinking, and eating and stay away from subjects where the only info you’ve read is on far-right sites. Not even sure why you’re bothering since you have zero skin in the game, living in a foreign country.
CLAIM: Calling the Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6th Attack on the United States Capitol the “Unselect Committee of political thugs,” Trump alleged that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “turned down the offer of 10,000 soldiers” on Jan. 6, 2021 and that she was “in charge of security at the Capitol.”
THE FACTS: Trump has frequently claimed Pelosi rejected his offer to send National Guard troops to the Capitol on Jan. 6. While he was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about whether the National Guard would be called ahead of the joint session, he issued no such order or formal request before or during the rioting, and the guard’s arrival was delayed for hours as Pentagon officials deliberated over how to proceed.
In a 2022 interview with the Democratic-led House committee that investigated the attack, Christopher Miller, the acting defense secretary at that time, confirmed that there was no order from the president.
Pelosi did not direct the National Guard. However, as the Capitol came under attack, she and then-Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell called for military assistance, including from the National Guard.
The Capitol Police Board makes the decision on whether to call National Guard troops to the Capitol. It is made up of the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol. The board decided not to call the guard ahead of the insurrection but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun, and the troops arrived several hours later.
John, your J6 points are so riddled with utter falsehoods and baseless conjecture that I frankly feel a little embarrassed for you.
You loathed Biden and supported Trump. I get it. You’re not alone. But it’s important to recognize that Trump constantly, knowingly, and blatantly lies, as do many media minions. (And that dynamic was largely responsible for J6, after all: He lost the election and lied about it, and some chose to amplify the lie or merely swallow it without question). Now that he’s back in office, it’s important to see clearly, no matter how much you may support his various policies and positions.
Not all J6 participants were violent, and many did simply trespass on the fringe of a destructive mob bent on illegally thwarting the democratic process. Mob psychology tends to make individuals feel less responsible for their own actions, and that’s what makes mobs so dangerous. But “everyone else was doing it” is no defense.
Perhaps some were treated more harshly than warranted. But to even suggest that Trump cut loose only the nonviolent participants is just preposterous.
Those who participated in J6 were either criminals, damned fools, or both. Absolving them of responsibility is a disgraceful coda to one of the most disgraceful days in our nation’s history.
Your mileage may vary.
Drain, we obviously see things differently and neither of us will likely change our point of view, regardless of the arguments put forth here. After four years of destruction under the incompetent Biden administration, I’m glad to have a real leader in charge. I don’t agree with Trump on everything, but we are on the road to making America great again. That works for me.
Steve, thanks for the feedback and for sharing your point of view. I agree that arguing politics on a blog like mine is pointless. Rest assured, it will not become the primary focus, but I will occasionally chime in on issues I consider important.
I’m looking forward to the whole story of what happened on January 6, 2021 being revealed. It’s telling that Biden had to pardon the Congress-critters involved with the J6 committee.
Kev, I am no fan of AI voiceovers, but what I’m seeing more and more is faked photographs created by AI. To me, that is blatantly dishonest (unless there is a disclaimer, which is rare). It’s sad when you can’t trust your own eyes.
Hey, I was born a mouth-farter. You say that like it’s a bad thing!
Kev, I am no fan of AI voiceovers, but what I’m seeing more and more is faked photographs created by AI.
That entire video was put together by AI—the video clips and everything. I recently used a video-generating site to see whether it could produce a video about the Four Rivers trail in Korea. It was a shit-show.
And AI photos definitely have a certain unnatural look that makes them easy to spot when you know what to look for.
Take the Britannica “real or AI” quiz here. I got 10 out of 10.
re: mouth-farting
I bet your mom was always griping about why you couldn’t be normal like other kids.
But didn’t HBO do a documentary on Nancy where , in the film , she said “I take responsibility” for not having the the Guard there ? I do find it refreshing that we now have a leader who can finish a sentance and takes questions that are not prepared ahead of time. He is not likeable, but will be good for America. And John , It’s your blog. Comment on whatever you want.
Leave the politics to people with brains, please.
Terry, yes, I’ve seen clips from various sources of Pelosi admitting she failed to take steps to defend the Capitol building. We have a lot more yet to be revealed about the events of that day and the scandalous actions of the J6 Committee in covering it all up.
Kev, I got 9 out of 10 correct on the “real or AI” quiz. But yeah, AI is getting better and better. It’s going to be scary times when lies can be supported by manufactured “evidence.”
She never said it, but I’m quite certain I was my mama’s favorite. The middle child usually is. That said, I take pride in not being normal! 🙂