It went like this

Thursdays come and go, and I go with the flow. It’s just the way I roll.

As I’ve been scrolling through my old blog posts, trying to remember some stories from my life in those long ago days, I’ve noticed that I wrote about politics quite a bit. I don’t bother with that too much now because I’ve come to realize it’s pointless. We all believe what we choose to believe, and only rarely will anyone’s mind be changed by contrary arguments. There has been some recent back and forth in the comments concerning the Trump pardons that illustrate that point. So, for what it is worth, my take on the January 6 riots is this:

  • The protesters who entered the Capitol building were trespassing, and that was a crime.
  • Nancy Pelosi declined to activate the National Guard to defend the Capitol
  • The vast majority of protesters did not engage in violence. The only fatality was a protester.
  • The FBI played a role (agents were on the scene), and the extent of their instigation will eventually be revealed.
  • The DOJ’s pursuit of felony charges against even the peaceful trespassers was excessive and unprecedented. Compare and contrast to the violent BLM protests.
  • The kangaroo court of the J6 House investigation was criminal. Biden’s pardons for uncharged crimes against the Committee members are quite revealing.
  • The criminal court proceedings and treatment of those arrested have made a mockery of our justice system. Many people have been denied the right to a speedy and fair trial, and this is but one example.
  • One of Trump’s campaign promises was to commute the sentences and pardon the non-violent protesters. He has now kept his word, and that was appropriate.
  • There is much more yet to be uncovered about the January 6, 2021 events, and I expect a full and fair investigation under Trump.

Enough said? Okay, let me tell you about my day:

I took a solo walk, and as I departed home, I thought I would walk the back roads to Waltermart and then take a Jeepney back to Barretto. But once I hit Naugsol, I didn’t feel like continuing on to Mangan-Vaca, so I circled around the Naugsol area on the new bypass road instead.

At 1.6K I snapped the Easter Mountain shot
3.2K found me on the streets of “downtown” Naugsol
Crossing the river at 4.8K
And calling it quits at 6K. (Google Maps are not to be trusted. That’s Naugsol, not San Isidro)

For my Thursday evening fun, I attended a gathering at a fellow Hasher’s house.

Beer on ice is always a wheel good time and a barrow of fun.
The menfolk are doing what we do best. The gals were inside doing karaoke.
Our host, John, skillfully manning the grill.
Baby back ribs were the main course
Dinner is served! Everything was great. The beans were so damn good I had to go back for seconds, even though I knew it wasn’t a wise move.
And sure enough, they put me over the top. Not by much, though.
  • Today’s weigh-in: 233.5
  • Last week: 235.0
  • November 1: 267.1
  • Net loss: 33.6 pounds

Getting there, little by little.

Today’s installment in The Story of My Life demonstrates that I was posting boring drivel about my day even twenty years ago. Still, it was in Korea, and everything was new about the experience.

To the memories we shall go:

Eleven years ago, I threw three double bullseyes, the hardest shot in darts. Alas, I was throwing alone at home.
According to the caption on this Facebook post from seven years ago, it was -13, and the wind was blowing. I was debating whether to go into town for a beer or stay home. I bet you know which option I chose.

Today’s YouTube video discusses three morning habits that can prove fatal to older folks like me. Well, maybe. I usually eat something before heading out for a hike, but that’s just me. If you are doing one of those intermittent fasting programs or don’t want to eat the high-carb foods the narrator suggests, this is advice you may not want to take. I do usually sit up for a few seconds before stumbling to the bathroom for a nighttime piss. And I don’t have to strain much when it is time to poop, so that’s not a problem for me. I did have an elderly neighbor die on the toilet one morning, so it does happen. Anyway, here it is, take it or leave it:

Live to laugh:

I have a stack of shorts in the closet that I’m hoping to shrink down to again. It’s such a waist!
I’m avoiding Temptations
Sharing is caring!

Another day, another post. Same old, same old. But then again, so am I. Let’s see what happens next.

1 thought on “It went like this

  1. Our host, John, skillfully manning the grill.

    From that angle, John looks a lot like Chef Andy.

    According to the caption on this Facebook post from seven years ago, it was -13, and the wind was blowing.

    And I see you were still doing that lip-puffing, mouth-farting nonsense. So weird.

    Today’s YouTube video discusses three morning habits that can prove fatal to older folks like me. Well, maybe.

    I love the AI voice. More and more, this is the norm.

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