It ain’t happening

Had a meeting last night with some bar owners and managers. They confirmed I’d need to put the lease in someone else’s name since I’m on a tourist visa. They also suggested I up my furnishing and equipment budget from $10,000 to $15,000. Then they asked which specific bar I was talking about. They all looked at each other when I answered and shook their heads. I was told the owner has a reputation for being crazy, is usually drunk by ten every morning, and, most importantly, has screwed over everyone he has done business with in the past. Okay, that’s what I needed to hear. The most significant risk in this whole proposition was having to trust people I don’t know. I’m glad that now I won’t have to find out the hard way. The Rite Spot ain’t happening, at least not at that location.

Otherwise, my day was about as regular as every other day around here. Some scenes from my morning walk:

Let treedom ring…
A simple life
I’ll take the high road
Walking the long and lonely path that feels like a metaphor for my life

And then time marched forward.

And it was time to renew my quest for happiness once again. In my experience, it takes more than five beers, but that’s just me.

I had planned to start my imbibing at It Doesn’t Matter, but the place was packed. Apparently, a group from the VFW and the local motorcycle club were both holding court there. Seeing nowhere to sit, I crossed the highway and took up a chair in Cheap Charlies.

I enjoyed the evening view…
And a nice back rub from Alma.

Later I had my meeting at Wet Spot, where I learned the fate of the Rite Spot. Then I finished the night with a couple more beers at Snackbar, where Lydell kept me company.

And that was that.

Facebook reminded me that today is the fifth anniversary of the first and only time I’ve achieved 50,000 steps in a single day (my usual output is between 15,000 and 20,000).

I’ve not been tempted to try to repeat that achievement. But I’m glad I did it once.

That’s all for now. I’ve got the SOB tonight, and we’ll see what else happens after that.

4 thoughts on “It ain’t happening

  1. A day of 50K-plus steps is a good one, indeed. More like that!

    I’m glad you found out what you did re: a possible new business. Better to be informed now than to regret everything later. Life is too short for regrets.

  2. On behalf of the entire population of the occident, can I express my relief that you’re pulling out of the bar venture. You were fated to lose tens of thousands of dollars and have your mental health eaten away. Another, better business opportunity will surely present itself should you still be inclined that way.

  3. Thanks, Dan. I was approaching this in an eyes-wide-open manner. Wasn’t going to set myself up to lose more than I could afford or to be in a situation that took the fun out of having my own place. So, the meeting with the other bar owners/managers I know and respect was always going to be the first step. Once I heard what they told me, I had zero interest in pursuing what has always been more of a fantasy than a dream or goal.

    If some other opportunity presents itself, I’ll take the same approach.

  4. Kev, well, you were my inspiration for that 50,000-step goal. Glad I achieved it–once.

    Yes, I was taking a tentative posture on the bar with every intention to bail at the first sign of something not being right. Glad I found out early.

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