A rather typical Friday around here. A hike that featured some exploration and the adventure that seeking out new trails provides. Only 5.5K, which is on the short side for us, but damn, we are in the midst of “hot” season, and our trail was ample length to reduce us all to a sweaty mess. It won’t take many hikes like this one before I’m looking forward to rainy season. I’ll post some photos from the hike down below.
I didn’t play darts last night, opting instead for the ambiance that is uniquely Cheap Charlie’s. Beers, lady drinks, and some Foodies for dinner. The girls seemed to enjoy themselves, but then again, that’s their job I suppose.

What else have I got? It’s getting tough to leave comments on some blogs that require you to prove you aren’t a spambot.

Oh, and this is what I posted on Facebook to provoke my lefty “friends”:

Alright, enough of that nonsense. Here are some photos from yesterday’s hike. As usual, photo credit is shared with Scott and Linda.

That was how my day went down. Today I’m feeling like shit. Have a cough and more lethargy than normal. My temperature is still under 37, but barely. I’m trying not to be paranoid. I am supposed to play darts this afternoon. I don’t want to cancel my match, but I also don’t want to be spreading bad news, if this is indeed bad news. We’ll see how I feel in an hour.

UPDATE: Alright, my temperature seems to be holding steady at 36.7, so I’m going to go ahead and play my darts match.
Here’s hoping you won’t need to self-isolate. After the previous COVID scare, it would suck if your fears were realized. That said, take careāfor your sake and for others’.
Yeah, I won’t put others at risk if I can help it. Still, not sure what this is. Body aches, cough, and temp up 37.3 this morning. I’ll stay home until these symptoms fade.
Dry cough and fever are the two most prominent symptoms of COVID-19. If your cough is indeed dry, and your symptoms persist, think about getting tested. Worst-case scenario: you’re positive and very likely to survive the infection just fine. Best-case scenario: whatever you’ve got has nothing to do with the pandemic.