In my weekend condition

Well, I’ve survived so far but I still have Sunday night to go. Here’s how it has been so far.

Decided to start my Saturday on the town with some food in my belly, so Sit-n-Bull was my first stop.

Man does not live by bread alone. You need all that other good stuff that comes on a club sandwich as well. I used the food mode on my new phone camera and it came out pretty nice and clear.
After dinner, I headed around the corner to begin my night of drinking at BarCelona.

I was disappointed my waitress friend and potential future date, Samantha, wasn’t there. I sent her a message and she confirmed she was taking the night off. Alrighty then, saved me the cost of the lady drinks she would have consumed.

So, I contented myself with the view from my seat. That’s the Kalaklan ridge in the background.

A couple of beers later I’d seen enough so I moseyed down the street a ways. Where was I headed?

Glad you asked. Now you have your answer.

A bunch of Hashers came in and occupied that table a bit later, but I maintained my counter seat where I shared company and drinks with Roan and Agnes. Always a good time with Roan, lots of laughs. Wish I could get her interested in something more than being a bar friend, but she’s been honest and upfront about her lack of desire for anything else. No complaints about that.

It was getting close to 9:00 and that’s when I generally shut things down, but I decided to up my game and have one for the road at Cheap Charlies. The place was really busy and that’s good to see. Well, all my favorites were otherwise occupied. Still, I didn’t have to drink alone.

My company. She’s a cutie, but not my type. I’m sure I’m not hers either.
And I’ve always got the view.

When I got out of the trike at home I saw this unusual sight:

Easter mountain was ablaze. Looked fine this morning though.

So, I pushed the envelope last night and wound up going to bed at the ungodly hour of 10:30! Wowza! Slept in until 5:00 this morning though, so all is well.

I did my solitary Sunday stroll this morning. Decided to do one of those “photo every 1000 steps” so I could get some practice with the camera. Here’s how that worked out:

Leaving home.
1000 steps later.
Friendly kids got rewarded with some cookies at 2000 steps.
3000 steps took me to the streets of San Isidro. Right after I took this photo, a young woman approached and asked me if I had any sweets for her kids. I gladly handed over a bag of cookies. She didn’t look familiar to me at all but said she had seen me walking in Barretto before. Small world.
4000 steps and I was on the backside of Black Rock. No intention of climbing up there again on my own though. Those pictures will have to wait.
On a backstreet in Calapacuan at 5000 steps.
On the Calapcuan market street at 6000 steps.
On the National Highway at 7000 steps.
And still on the Highway at 8000 steps.
Close to home at 9000.
The rocky path to my house at 10,000.
The stats from the hike. You can see there was some malfunction with the tracking app near the beginning. That might have added some distance, although just checked my Fitbit and the distance is consistent with what is recorded there. Not that it matters.

You can always Relive the stroll if you have the gumption:

I made a discovery as I sat down to do today’s post. I always check to make sure I have a unique title. In doing so I came across something I had written back in November 2007 called the Korean cookie lady. I had totally forgotten about the events described in that post. So, maybe my blog isn’t totally worthless after all. It is a repository of memories from a life slowly fading away with the passage of time.

No idea what is in store for tonight. I was hoping for a first date with the teacher, but we are having a difficult time getting on the same page. So, it looks like another evening of beer and loneliness. Not that I’m complaining!

3 thoughts on “In my weekend condition

  1. Very rarely. We are FB friends but she is rarely on FB these days. I did send her a message with a link to that post, so we’ll see.

    What’s funny is that back when I wrote that I was Deputy Director. A year or so later I became the Director and wound up hiring her as my Deputy. When I retired she became Director. What goes around, comes around!

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