I’m one of the Hare’s for tomorrow’s Hash, so I was out with Scott and Jim this morning, marking our trail with powder, paper, and chalk. Naturally, we had a rain shower this afternoon, so hopefully, there is still a trail to follow. Folks are going to be surprised, I think. Two challenging and steep climbs are in store for my fellow Hashers. What were us old farts thinking? I’ll post up some photos tomorrow.
After the work was done, we went to Sit-n-Bull for some lunch. All I can say is that we are never going to eat there again. In that location, I mean. They are closing up at Del Pilar street and moving up on the highway where the old Lollipop bar was located. The menu and current staff are moving too, so it will be more of the same, just in a better venue. Well, I actually liked the old place but owner Ron feels being on the main road across the street from two major hotels will be a boon for business. Looking forward to giving it a try in the new venue.

That’s my Sunday so far. I’m thinking I’ll do another bar visit this evening. It’s a good excuse to go out and drink some beers. I know my readers are looking forward to the next installment and I don’t want to let you down.
I’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a little poem:
Now while my lips are living Their words must stay unsaid, And will my soul remember To speak when I am dead? Yet if my soul remembered You would not heed it, dear For now you must not listen, And then you could not hear. --Sara Teasdale